Chapter Twelve: Trapped In Oblivion


I crawled under the bus, opened the fuel tank of the bus. My aim was to create an explosion. Allowing the fuel to leak out, I found a lighter. I smiled. I transformed into my human form as I walked up to the two remaining men.

"To clarify you both on things, you both are not going to survive" I said as I put on the lighter and threw at the bus.

There was an explosion.


Back to present.

A smile appeared on my face as I watched the bus burn. I had not forgotten Ovie and the other three men.

Hope you all have not forgotten the three men that took Ovie to the forest nearby.

I left the already burnt bus, heading into the forest. The forest which was a lot wider had a lake at the centre of the forest. I trudged into the timberland with high hopes of finding Ovie. I knew finding him would not be easy. So I decided to use my powers in finding him.

Blessed with supernatural powers from the golden seed that was given to me by the snake, I also had the ability to increase my hearing. With this supernatural ability, I could hear whispers from a mountain top so easily. I activated my supernatural hearing.

Everything somehow looked complicated. I went on an excursion, only to meet an old friend. An old friend who ambushed us on the road. The only problem is that, he is not that old neither is he a friend. I had to send Ovie to the forest in order to protect him,or maybe not to allow him know that I am a snake. Now I have to look for him. It somehow looked complicated to me.

Five minutes, I had stayed in the forest when I could suddenly hear voices. I followed the directions where the upcoming voices were coming from. The voices I could hear led me to a footpath. I followed the footpath until I got to a lake. Maybe it's the lake that was at the forest.

I bent down over a group of bushes, trying to find the source of those voices. Luckily for me, I found Ovie tied to a tree. The three men which I had tricked into taking Ovie to the woods, were probably swimming in the lake. What a shame! The man who had first spoke to me about Praise, came out of the water. He picked up his trouser and shirt from were they had tied Ovie to a tree. Ovie just stayed quiet being tied to a tree. Good thing, he (the man)had his underwear on,if not, my eyes would have gone somewhere it's not supposed to go.

I transformed into my snake form. I crawled out of the bush, entering the lake without either the man or Ovie knowing. Meanwhile, the man was wearing his clothes. He didn't see a snake entering the lake. As for Ovie, he was lost in his thoughts.

In the lake, I could see clearly under water. I could also breath under the water in my snake form. Naturally,a snake can actually swim in water. My Grandmother usually told me there are certain types of snakes that can stay in water. These kinds of snakes are known as water snakes or probably not.

I swam over to the place where the other two men were swimming. With my tail, I dragged one of them into the water. Dragging him deeper into the water, I allowed him to drown. I plugged out his head as his headless body went deeper into the lake. His blood could be seen, evidently on the surface.

"Peter, look at blood on the surface of the water" the man who was swimming in lake said.

He turned around looking for the said Peter who I probably must have killed. When he could not find Peter,fear crept into him.

"Nick, there's blood on the water" the man swimming called out to the other one with Ovie.

"Joe, stop joking around. Even Peter is happily swimming. Why can't you just relax and have a good time while we wait for the boss's orders" the man with Ovie said. His name seems to be be Nick. I guess!

"No you don't understand. I can't find Peter and there's blood on the water" Joe said.

Nick turns around. He looked at the water and saw blood in it. But he also saw something else.

I swam in a fast motion, targeting Joe who is still in the water. That was somehow stupid. Joe saw blood in the water, he could have gotten out of the lake in time, but

"Joe, get out of the lake" Nick shouted at Joe.

His facial expression was that of horror and fear. Joe turned around to look at the water or what was in it. He saw me swimming in a fast motion already wanting to attack him.

"Oh shit!" Joe said as he swam with all the power he had, trying to get out of the lake.

He got out of the lake in time before I could attack him. He breathed heavily. Fear and anxiety was evidently written on his face.

"That was stupid, Joe" Nick shouted at Joe.

"What was stupid?" Joe asked, trying not to get angry.

"You saw blood on the water and you couldn't find Peter. Can't you have figured out that something was off. But instead, you stayed in the water waiting for a huge python to have you killed" Nick said, talking some sense into him.

"So,does that mean the Python killed Peter?" Joe asked.

"What does it seem to you" Nick said.

Joe sighed. He stood up and went to pick up his clothes. He wore them on while giving Ovie a weird look.

"What do we do with him?" Joe asked Nick,who was still staring at the water.

"We will kill him" Nick said without turning back.

He brought out a gun and turned around.

"We will kill him and report back to the boss. The girl who is supposed to have given us his orders, doesn't seem to be coming" Nick said.

Immediately Ovie heard what Nick had said, he wet his pants. He couldn't hold the urine any longer. He prayed silent prayers, waiting to meet his creator.

I crawled out of the lake, taking careful looks at the two men.

"Nick,watch out" Joe shouted.

Nick turned around, dropping his gun on the ground. I was standing right in front of him. Fear must have frozen him in a spot, cause he was neither moving or saying anything.

"Shit, it's huge!" He whispered to which only I could hear.

I took out his head, swallowing him completely. Joe could not stay to watch, he ran away. With all the strength he had, he ran with speed. I didn't want to leave him alive. So I crawled as fast as I could, with an incredible speed pursuing him. As I moved through the woods, darkness was setting in. As usual,a human can always be tired. After running a long distance, he fell to the ground.

His legs were aching him, making it unable for him to walk. He looked around him, repeatedly trying to catch any movement. He sighed when he felt he had lost me.

I crawled silently, moving through the bushes. The next thing, he looked at his back and he saw me. I gave a loud his and I took out his head.

I transformed back to my human form. I have to get to Ovie, before anything happens to him.


I ran over to Ovie who was still tied to a tree. He had a sad look written on his face. His face brightened up when he saw me.

"How are you? What happened? Where are the three men were sent here with you?" I kept asking, pretending not to know anything.

I felt his trouser. I noticed his trouser was wet. I smiled but I tried not to laugh. I untied him, helping him to rest on the tree. He didn't say anything.

"What happened Ovie?" I asked pretending to have a Stern face.

"A large Python had them all killed" he muttered.

"What!" I shouted trying to feign surprise.

"A very huge Python, but it's gone now. Also,it came out of the water, but for now we are safe"Ovie said staring at my face.

I lay on his chest. I could feel his heart beating, intensively.

"What happened, Naagin?" He asked me.

It was my turn to lie.

"The police arrested the situation and there was a shoot out between Praise and his men. But Praise was still able to escape again" I said, lying.

"Wait a minute. The man in the car was Praise?" Ovie asked, he had a surprised expression on his face.

"Yes,it was Praise"I said.

Ovie sighed. Looked like he had a lot on his mind.

"I love you, Naagin" Ovie said with a smile.

"I love you too, Ovie" I said.

I lay on his chest for about five minutes more.

"Let's get out of the woods" I said as we both stood up.

We left the lake Wondering back into the woods.