Friendships and Frenemies

Mrs. Edwin walked into the class, holding a piece of paper. "Okay, class. I have the group assignments for our musical drama competition. Let's see..."

She began to read out the names, and Rachel and Ashley leaned forward in their seats, anxious to know which group they were in.

"...and in Peter's group, we have... Rachel, Ashley, Peter, John, Emily... and Merry!"

Rachel and Ashley's eyes widened as they scanned the list. They were in Peter's group! But then they saw Merry's name, and their hearts sank. Merry was Laura's best friend, and they knew she wouldn't make things easy for them.

Ashley nudged Rachel. "Look, we're in Peter's group," she whispered.

Rachel nodded, her eyes fixed on Merry. "But so is she. This could be interesting..."

Merry looked crestfallen as she gazed at the list. "No, no, no! I can't be in a different group from Mary and Laura!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling.