Melodic Mayhem

The auditorium was abuzz with excitement, the air thick with anticipation. The plush seats were filled to capacity, with parents, students, and faculty members all eager to witness the musical drama competition.

The judges' table was adorned with a sleek black cloth, where Principal , Drama teacher Mrs. Patel, and celebrity musician Judge JacksonJudge,

a suave and charismatic musician, his dreadlocks bobbing as he nodded his head to the beat, his eyes gleaming with a passion for music.

They all sat, their eyes fixed intently on the stage.

The crowd was a sea of expectant faces, with Ashley's mom, Alexia and Churchill sitting proudly in the front row,

her eyes shining with excitement. Rachel's mom, too, was in attendance, her brow furrowed with worry as she scanned the backstage area for any sign of her daughter.

Other parents and students chattered nervously, their voices hushed in reverence for the performers.