Separated by Circumstance

Alexia's flashback revealed a poignant scene:

her wedding day. She had no say in her dress, a frilly white monstrosity that made her feel like a doll. Her father, his face stern and unyielding, drove her to the court where Bryan waited, beaming with happiness.

"Today's the day, Alexia," Bryan said, his eyes shining with excitement. "We're going to start our new life together."

Alexia forced a smile, her heart heavy with sorrow. "Yes, Bryan. Together."

As they exchanged vows, Bryan's joy contrasted with Alexia's hollow words. She felt trapped, grateful only for Bryan's love, not her own desire.

"I promise to love and cherish you," Bryan said, his voice filled with conviction.

"I promise to obey and honor you," Alexia replied, her voice barely above a whisper.