
"Where are we!?" yelled Alan.

Henry looked around him. 

There were no people near them, only grass, and occasionally apple trees, but in the distance, was a village.

They rushed towards it, finally arriving. 

They found hoards of people walking around, and suddenly Kovac bumped into a man holding a sword.

"Get out of my way." said the man coldly whilst not looking at him.

"Where are we, sir?" ignorantly responded Kovac, as he turned to see the man.

"You want to die, don't you!?" the man turned to Kovac, and swung his sword.

Surprisingly, his speed was superhuman, and Kovac barely could dodge.

Quickly, Lily got in between them.

"I'm sorry, sir!" she apologized profusely.

"No, you all die, now!" the man yelled.

He began to rush, but suddenly, men, all holding swords and ready to unsheathe them, with their grip on it threateningly.

"Forget it! I'm Level 7 now, you're dead!" the man rushed towards them, but with one ring, his whole body was cut, not very deeply so it wouldn't dismember him, but he was still in pain and the injury was fatal.

He went into the fetus position, as a man, with a blonde, long ponytail that reached his shoulders appeared.

"Is that Zetal Jeram?" Alan pointed at him.

Now that Kavoc could see him well, it was indeed Zetal Jeram, a character apart of the Hero Path in Zaria.

If so, this was Zaria, or at least something of it.

"Assisted Kill! 90 XP rewarded!" a screen display approached him, looking game-like.

"Level 1 >> Level 2!" The screen vanished.

"Choose your skill!" a new screen appeared.

"Flammable Shredding, Sword Clashing, or Delayed Dismemberment?" his face lit up, like it always did whenever he played Zaria, and he clicked Delayed Dismemberment.

The others, able to see the screen were surprised, as they soon noticed the environment and that on the left corner of their vision, there was a menu option.

Quickly, Alan clicked it, finding a "Quit" option.

"Staff members who leave will be fired and will not receive $1,000,000 dollars upon leaving. Are you sure?" 

His face scrunched up in anger.

"Someone just almost died, and one is about to! I don't care!" he exclaimed.

"Leaving... click cancel to leave process anytime." 

Alan's face turned from rage to sadness and sympathy.

He remembered why he needed this job; to help his sister, who was ill from a mysterious virus that took away her tiredness tolerance, making her sleep for weeks or months before she gets up, and she doesn't even require food and hydration.

"Sister's recovery is promised if the cancel button is hit immediately." The screen seemed to know his frustration, and easily solved it.

Immediately, Alan clicked.

He jumped up in joy - as the screen turned into a camera, showcasing his little sister, now awake in the hospital, and nurses rushing to her.

His facade quickly recovered into a wary person.

"Well... um, do you remember any bugs or any tricks that'll get us somewhere?" 

"Indeed. There was a glitch that gives you Transcendence, but it doesn't multiply your stats and only gives you the flight and the Moon Strike, that does triple damage times your health and you can do combos in space that do even more." answered Ethan.

"And what's your excuse for not telling me?" Kovac asked Ethan.

Ethan's face became red.

"Well... I, I was a intern, and the staff weapons are for the moderation and administration team, so I had to stick around others like a little kid, and I was tired, y'know?"

Kavoc sighed.

"Yeah. I did know this glitch, though. I wanted to get my friends somewhere in the game, however I was going to fix it after what they did to me." Kavoc looked a bit sad.

"Don't worry, we're with you!" said Lily cheerfully.

"Thanks." Kavoc said, lightening up a little.

Soon, they went to the Awareness Hall in a vacant castle, where you transcend after reaching level eighty.

"Here it is." said Ethan, pointing at the painting.

Walking into it, they all found themselves in seperate spaces of the cosmos.

"You dare awaken me?" said a doppelganger of Kavoc, in his space.

"If you shall defeat me, we'll see... whether you are indeed the true one." said the copy.

"This'll be easy." Kavoc sneered.

'We have the same skills, level and stats, but the thing is, this copy doesn't have enough thirst to kill me, that's how to win.' thought Kavoc.

He launched at the copy, who was surprised, and quickly moved.

Kavoc smiled.

Soon, the copy and him were moving quickly, and he swung a punch.

The punch connected with the copy's body, but a display came up.

"You must be level eighty - activating Perfected Copy State!" demanded the system.

He began barraging the copy, and soon enough, the system began to crash.

"Level 00002, 2.1939321, UNINTELLIGIBLE...2 dete-cted..." The screen glitched, and soon enough, it accepted his input.

"You have defeated Void Copy! Transcendence has been unl-.."

The system suddenly shut down.

It began to restart.

"Moon Strike Unlocked." It simply said.

He was then teleported to Awareness Hall.

He waited a couple of more minutes, and everyone was finished.

Only Alan seemed that he had a problem - but because the fight is internal and not real, his pain was imaginary.

He breathed heavily, his eyes seemed like he had shellshock, his mouth slightly agape.

In the vacant castle, was fruits of any sorts. Apples, bananas, oranges, they were all there.

They had a small dinner, and slept in the multiple rooms of the castles.

When they awoke, only one thing could be done.


So, they went out, got quests from Sarah, the Newbie Quest Giver and got to work.

- ___

0/3 - Kill two bandits and one Outlaw Leader.

0/1 - Use a weapon to defeat one of the enemies.

0/1 - Spare one bandit, and take him to the sheriff.

- ____

So, that's what they did.

Kavoc easily slaughtered the two bandits, but the Outlaw Leader stood before him, proudly.

He launched a punch, but the Outlaw Leader was fast.

The Outlaw Leader fired a bullet into Kavoc's chest.

That's the first time Kovac felt the sense of pain in a game, even if the pain was fairly little compared to the real world, it had a virtual sense to it.

Kavoc could hardly focus, with the injury.

Suddenly, he remembered his inventory, and that he had gained something from beating the Void Copy but had ignored it.

- ___

Greatsword of Carnage

Description: The Greatsword of Carnage is a worn out sword, with a black blade and a red hilt. There is blood all over it that never dries. It possesses the ability to prevent regeneration, and also have a 100% chance to drawing blood upon contact, which will take a small portion of their stats, and transfer to the user.


Level 1 | SKILL 1 - Harm's Way

Guaranteeing a 100% hit chance in return for a 60% chance it will draw blood, this is a deadly combo if the chances intercept. In chance that it will draw blood, a critical hit is usable, and even a critical combo, if these all happen, the person has to be atleast level 35 to survive. This also puts your reputation down.

Level 2 | SKILL 2 - Sevenfold Splitting and Spinning

The Critical Hit Assistance cheat will pop up, and if you hit it correctly, and do seven hits, you don't much damage, but will split the target's stats with yourself. This creates a effective way to survive, even as a mere newbie. 

Level 4 - ????

Locked due to your level.


Nothing more that you can achieve.

- ____

Kavoc equipped it, and opening and extending his hand, it materialized from a shining blue light, and appeared.

Confidently, Kavoc got up.

The Outlaw Leader smirked, clearly amused at his futile attempts.

Quickly, Kavoc used Skill 2, and charged at the Outlaw Leader.

As he tried to defend himself humorously, using his revolver to block the sword, but it easily cut through, and as said, the Critical Hit Assistance cheat popped up, in the form of a ratio table, marked by a specific red line, with 3:21 on it.

The Outlaw Leader laughed, as he tried to easily kick Kovac, to find that Kovac just grabbed his leg.

He punched the Outlaw Leader, who was now angry.

Somehow taller than Kavoc he towered over him as his rage showed in his eyes.

He wore cowboy boots, as expected. 

Some of the technology in Zaria originated from the Wild West era, but to be honest, in every other landscape, it was different.

Kavoc then put his sword to the ground.

About to smash his face into the ground, the Outlaw Leader threw a punch.

But, a sudden burning sensation on his neck made him look.

He was bleeding heavily, and his face went pale.

It was only so long till he fell to the ground in a puddle of blood.

- ___

Two objectives have been complete! Promoting to level seven. Please complete final objective to become level ten!

important message by thomas.

I don't know whether you guys are upset at me or not. I apologize, but believe me, what I'm doing will save us. Just believe me.

Besides that, the players will be invited in three days.

Because they might think it's a scam, I will just say it's a special event for a free admin title and the people who are able to rush in the building in a week, will all get it.

Then, after the barrier of joining is created, in a week, the regular people will join.

Soon, New York, where the building and barrier are will become a tourist place, then a place protected by military, then one that is raided, and people die.

So, I need you guys to decide to go together when the world tries securing the supernatural for themselves. Even if you're getting used to being here, you need to leave. For now, I promise that you won't lose your million dollars if you leave. In fact, I think you guys should get up to atleast level 100, right now I added a XP bonus, so just doing a small part of a quest should take you there to level 100.

Signing off, your boss, Thomas.

-- ___

Kavoc stared.

Now, all he needed to do, is spare a bandit before death.

He set off to do the same.

He found a bandit.

He was situated in the middle, holding a gun shakily, while aiming at the others.

"I'll spare you, just come." said Havoc, who raised his hands.

The bandit began to smile.

"You're dead!" The bandit said.

He quickly fired the bullet, and Havoc quickly realized they were paralyzing bullets.

The thing was - Havoc can't get close to him, he has a gun.

So, he thought.

He realized something.

The Flight Skill, from using the Ascending glitch.

He began to fly, and darted towards the bandit.

He used Moon Strike, and held the bandit by the collar, until they crashed into the moon, creating a huge crater.

The bandit was dead.

Havoc quickly flew back, and his cooldown was now 3 hrs.

That's what flight was.

Now, his Moon Strike was a entire twenty-four hours.

He then met up with the others.

They were tired.

The NPCs they see are different, so one that doesn't respawn has to be in a different place than the one the other person sees.

They had all fought the Outlaw Leader, not together, but consecutively.

Alan was this time, not hurt.

His hands were drenched in blood, not of his.

He seemed emotionless. 

The Outlaw Leader had definitely said something that messed his emotions up.

"LEVEL 100 HAS BEEN ACHIEVED! Guild Creation has also been unlocked." lit up the systems, that popped up in front of all of them.

Kavoc quickly created a guild.

"Name?" inscribed above the bar.

He tapped in "Reality Admins" and clicked finish.

"Reality Admins has officially been created? Adding nearby players!" said the screen.

They all accepted.

"Angel Bloodline is now accessible, at the cost of defeating True Void Copy." the screen seemed to be invisible to the others.

He clicked Yes.

He was transported to his mind. Instead of the cosmos, he was now within a pitch-black place, with a blackhole, seeming to be the exit.

Some water that he couldn't touch rippled everytime he stepped.

He soon saw himself, with his head down.

It was the Void Copy.

It vanished quickly, reappearing behind him.

Quickly, Kavoc equipped the Greatsword of Carnage, and swung, with Skill 2 on.

The Void Copy did the same, and they clashed for very long.

Finally, Kavoc found a opening, and slashed at his side.

Surprisingly, the Void Copy swung too, at Kavoc's side.

Kavoc remembered now what he had said.

Quickly, he leaped side by side.

Unaware of the intent, the Void Copy simply followed, but Kavoc slashed multiple times, and the Void Copy couldn't see him.

His eyes darted, as multiple of him were seen, until a horde of Kavoc swung.

Finally, Havoc stopped leaping.

The Void Copy used Moon Strike, flying up.

Obviously, there was no moon in this darkness, so Havoc simply used it back, but flew downwards. 

Soon, the untouchable water made way, and they were in pitch darkness, until the Void Copy's body burst, and Havoc's terrified body was left there.

He soon came to consciousness, in one of the castle's bed.

"Angel Race activates... now."

Havoc's body felt like it was being slashed a little everywhere, and thumbtacks were put in those injuries.

He couldn't talk, only could shake and flinch to show pain.

"Havoc!" said Ethan.

He quickly ran, putting a green liquid in a apple's center, and giving it to Havoc.

Havoc hesitantly ate it, and his pain stopped.

"Thanks..." said Havoc weakly.

He fainted, and fell asleep.

In his dream, he was on the shore of a ocean. Suddenly, the water rippled, provoking him to walk across it like last time.

He got up, and balanced across the pieces of the water rippling.

Finally, he saw the sunset, and heard a voice get louder.