Chapter 8 system fusion

Chapter 8 system fusion

[ System fusion commencing...]

[Are you sure you want to fuse with the system?]

The question sounded in Sam's head. Fuse? System? He felt as if he was in a trance. His body was suspended and inactive except for his mind.

He could remember that earlier when he found the pod, he went inside without hesitation. And was greeted with the message in his head.

[ Are you sure you want to fuse with the system ]

[Yes] [No]

The question came again. It took Sam a while before he realized that he was about to fuse with the system . Instantly his heart began beating fast from excitement. A smile appeared on his lips.

"Yes" He selected. This was what he wanted all his life.

[You have chosen to fuse with the system]

[ Initializing..... ]

[ Current progress : 1% ]

[ Host will now be placed in a deep sleep to speed up the fusion process. ]

Suddenly, Sam felt his eyelids heavy and his consciousness slowly began to fade away. He tried to fight it to put himself awake, but his mind was slowly giving way into a void. Before he knew it he had fallen asleep.

[ Current progress: 3% ]


Travis had sold off the items he Sam had given him. The task wasn't that hard since he had a porter at home. His job was to place the items on the porter which would transport them to the black market official forum.

Moments later, his system received a notification.

[ Ding! ]

[ you have been credited 45,000 bits ]

45,000 bits, that was more than enough to cover for Sam's tuition fee. Bits was a currency system users all use. Since Sam didn't have a system it made it difficult for him most times to purchase something.

Travis checked the time. It was few minutes past one that night. His bed time was way past. Tomorrow he would sort out the money for Sam. He got off the couch he was sitting on before heading to his bedroom.

Travis house was rather comfy for him. His adopted uncle don't spend much time at home. He was alone most times. His house had enough space for both of them. And most times Travis felt lost in his house. He finds the house boring most of the time. That's why he always hung out with Sam. He climbed over the bed and doze off.


The explosion at Mike's lab had caused quite a stir in crins ville. Like every other town, there were a group of vigilante that served as a means of security to the town. The explosion had caught the attention of crins ville security department. At their station, Greg the head of the department was briefing his men on the situation.

" We should go check out the problem, this could be an attack." Greg said in the meeting room as he dropped a pile of documents on the table. Greg appeared to be quite muscular, his sleeves bulging from his tight muscles. He had the figure of a heavy weight lifter. Most of his co workers do wonder how he normally puts on his uniform, because it appeared to be tight for Greg.

" I agree, but we should survey the area so as not to jump into conclusions" one of them called Mina said, she was the only female in the room. Her facial features were quite unique with her long purple hair adding radiance to her beauty. Mina the proceeded to grab one of the documents on the table, after glancing at the contents of it, she turned at Greg. "It appears to be Mike's lab that was blown up, so I doubt it to be an attack, because from what I had gathered here, there was no external cause on the situation"

What Mina said made a lot of sense to them, their Intel had stated that the attack seemed to have resonate from the inside , since their scanners had picked nothing of outside attack.

Greg, their leader sat down on the chair his eyes were glued to Mina. He thought for a moment before he said.

" You are quite correct," he said to her. " I have to many things on my table, I need you to take a squad of your own and bring back report on the area" With that he dismissed the meeting.

As soon as Mina left the meeting room, she organized a group of 15 to head out with her. Together they boarded a two van and drove to the site.

[ Current progress: 15% ]

Sam couldn't control his body at that moment, his eyes was shut. He felt like he was sinking in a water, but strangely he was breathing normally. His other senses were shut except for the constant message he was receiving.

[ Current progress : 28% ]

Twenty eight percent, what does that mean? He remembered earlier about his system fusion. He concluded that it was his fusion progress . He had lost track of time on the outside world, the percentage rate wasn't fast neither was it slow either.

[ Current progress : 32% ]

Thirty two it was starting to geGvvt fast, Sam tried not to think much about the fusion rate to kill time. He thought of what the explosion had result to. Maybe it had notified the security department of crins ville, lately they didn't seem to care about what he do lately, he normally gets away with lifting goods due to their nonchalant attitude, but this one was too big to avoid. They were not going to let this one slide.

[ Current progress : 50% ]

The percentage rate was starting to.get fast, it was going up at a faster rate, it was now getting faster than before. Maybe letting his thoughts wander off a bit was making it fast.

[ Current progress : 75% ]

Seventy five that was high, in no time the system fusion would be complete. Excitement was building up inside of Sam, his heart was pounding at the thought of having his own system at last. He would no longer have to use a smart phone anymore.

[ Current progress : 89% ]

[ Current progress : 100%]

[ System fusion complete ]


" Search the perimeter " kroos ordered as soon as they arrived at the explosion site, the smoke and dust had already settled down allowing for them to fully survey the area . He noticed a radiation from Mike's pad , he had opted to use it to locate the pod Mike had built. The pad pointed at a specific direction showing an arrow on the screen.

"Sir! We found it" one of the men called to him. Instantly Kroos and everyone rushed to the direction, and in front of them laid the pod. They arrived just in time to hear a few words from the pod

[ System fusion complete ]