Fosterage III

- 273 AC -

- Casterly Rock, Westerlands -

(Jon Arryn POV)

One and a half years had passed since Robert started his fostering in the Eyrie under me. It was, to say it lightly, the most stressful time of my life. I finally understood what Steffon Baratheon meant when I was in Storm's End. That man... he tricked me. Day in and day out, Robert is constantly doing something. He just disappears sometimes and stays away for hours! His intelligence is without a doubt very high, and even when he was ten years old, he was already too smart for his own good, but now... sigh... I had to change the way I fostered these two just to get some respite.

That's why I started to take the two to more 'practical lessons' to get Robert away from the Eyrie and cool my head. It started with riding through the Vale and getting to know the lands, but that turned out to be even worse, as Robert just left the encampment and visited villages and farms to talk with the smallfolk and help them with their problems or just spend some time with them. I don't understand his interest in the smallfolk and their problems.

Originally, I thought he was just trying to further improve upon his passion, which seems to be diseases and healing. He asked Maester Coleman everything he knew about healing, and the man apparently fell to Robert's charm and taught him in earnest everything he knew. The fool, if the Citadel knew that he taught someone who was not a Maester some of their secrets, he would lose his chain.

Robert used his knowledge to help the people of the Eyrie. He started in the castle, but after a few weeks, he moved his attention to the smallfolk. His heart had a special place for women, or so it seemed. When he suddenly disappeared for the first time, the entire castle looked for him. No one had seen him. We searched for him for hours. When we finally found him, he had just helped a woman in labour. I was beyond angry with him back then.

I berated him for at least half an hour, but never in my life have I seen someone who looked more bored and unbothered while being scolded. Robert completely disregarded my concerns, and while he told me he wouldn't do it again... I knew he would. And I was right.

This went on and on. He simply disappeared after our lessons or after breaking his fast. No matter what I said or what I threatened to do, he wouldn't care. Things started to escalate when he began using his room for various experiments. He never told me what he was doing, but he assured me it was for his 'healing.' When I asked him, he refused to tell me more about it. I sent someone to take a look when Robert wasn't there, but the man didn't understand anything. What's more, he got sick a day later. I was furious and confronted Robert, threatening to send him back home. But the only thing he told me was this:

"If you think you can threaten me with going back home, just because I won't tell you my secrets, then you aren't the honourable fool I thought you were, but just a fool. My secrets, as long as they don't threaten anyone and even help others, are my own. You either accept that or you don't. Either way, you won't get anything from me."

He didn't even look afraid as he said that. He was angry about me sending someone to his room, even though I denied it. He knew the truth and played me, giving me an ultimatum. After that day, I no longer saw Robert as a child. Instead, I saw him as a powerful figure who would play the Game of Thrones and shake the board. I tried to live with him and take advantage of his talents. I sent spies to keep watch over him when he used his wondrous 'medicine,' as he called it. But we got nothing. He managed to create new ways to help women in labour and protect them from infections, lowering the death rates tremendously. In the almost two years he spent on healing, he gained a reputation as the best healer in Westeros.

As I said, I tried to get him away from his 'projects' and took both him and Ned on excursions through the Vale and a few tourneys. That is also the reason we are in Casterly Rock. Tywin Lannister is holding a tourney in honour of his next child's birth, which is supposedly going to take place any day now.


"Ned, do you know where Robert is?" I asked after we had settled into our rooms at a respectable inn. He shook his head and smiled wryly.

"No. He said he wanted to visit some 'street girls,' whatever that means."

I almost groaned aloud at that. Of course, he was. Where else would Robert Baratheon, a boy of two and ten, go but a brothel? His stature would make anyone welcome him gladly into such a place. He had enviously good looks, and his height was already greater than that of many men.

"Well then, let's go find hi—"

"My lord," Hennigen, one of the guards, entered the room.

"What is it, Hennigen?"

"Apologies for interrupting, my lord, but there is a messenger downstairs, sent by Lord Tywin Lannister. He asks for your presence if you could make the time.", he explains. That surprises me somewhat. Tywin Lannister and I don't have anything in common, except being Lords of Paramount Houses. So what is it he wants?

"Do you know what he might want?", I ask. 

"No, my Lord. But there is a possibility it has something to do with his wife, Lady Joanna Lannister. Since we are in the company of ... you know."

"Robert, the rumoured best healer in the realm. I think I understand where this is going. Very well, I will meet with Lord Tywin. Ned, you stay here and should you see Robert, tell him to stay put for once and not cause any more chaos ... than he probably already did."

"I will.", Ned nods his head dutifully. At least one of my foster sons is a good seedling. 

I walked out of the room Ned was staying in and reached the ground floor, where two guards and a messenger bearing the banners of House Lannister awaited us. They straightened up upon seeing me.


"Greetings, Lord Arryn. We have been tasked by Lord Tywin Lannister to ask if you would honor him by dining with him tonight. Should it not be convenient, you are, of course, not bound to anything," the guard said.

"I would be delighted to dine with Lord Tywin. Lead the way."

As we walked through the streets of Casterly Rock, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about this situation. Tywin Lannister loves to be in control, so there might be a secret ploy at play, but I was unsure what it was. Why would he care about Robert? His healing skills couldn't be the true reason we were here, could they? But then, did he know that…? We'll see.



(Tywin Lannister POV)

"How is she doing?" I asked Maester Creylen as he tended to my wife.

"Lady Joanna is in pain right now. Her muscles are cramping, and it is putting pressure on the babe. I am unsure how the birthing process will go, but there are reasons for concern."

"So, are you certain that this cure of Robert Baratheon can help her?"

"I believe it could. If anything, it won't hurt to try. I will be present at all times, so should he attempt anything untoward, I will be ready to intervene. But I don't believe he would do anything harmful."

"I concur. He isn't known as the best 'healer' in Westeros because he kills his patients. And harming Joanna would result in war. No matter how brutish he may seem, he is not stupid," I said.

If my spies are to be believed, Robert appears to be a brawn, no brain type—someone who laughs loudly, drinks, and frequents brothels. But I know better. He was already clever when I saw him in King's Landing… he knows exactly what he's doing.



(3rd Person POV)

In a brothel, a young man, broad-shouldered and muscular, sat among a group of ladies of the night, cradling a lute. Lutes were common in Westeros, akin to the guitar in some ways, often played by minstrels and other entertainers. The young man's fingers danced deftly across the strings as he began to sing, drawing the attention of the whores and patrons alike.

♫♪♪ There's a road I'd like to tell you about, lives in my home town ♫♪♪

♫♪♪ Lake Shore Drive, the road is called and it'll take you up or down ♫♪♪

♫♪♪ From rats on up to riches, fifteen minutes you can fly ♫♪♪

♫♪♪ Pretty blue lights along the way, help you right on by ♫♪♪

♫♪♪ And the blue lights shining with a heavenly grace, help you right on by ♫♪♪

The young man, none other than Robert, had just finished treating the women for their most pressing health problems, accepting no payment in return. At least that was what the women believed, for he refused to bed any of them.

♫♪♪ And there ain't no road just like it ♫♪♪

♫♪♪ Anywhere I found ♫♪♪

♫♪♪ Running south on Lake Shore Drive heading into town ♫♪♪

♫♪♪ Just slippin' on by on LSD, Friday night trouble bound ♫♪♪

As Robert continued his song, the door to the brothel swung open with force. Two knights, whom Robert recognized from the Vale, strode in with purpose. They made their way to him with determined steps.

"My lord, Lord Jon Arryn has sent us to fetch you. Your presence is required at the keep of Casterly Rock," said one of the knights.

"Sigh Edwin, how many times must we go over this? When I am in the company of lovely ladies, you do not interrupt," Robert replied.

"I understand, my lord. But that pertains to your 'medical' dealings, not singing to them, I believe."

"No one likes a know-it-all, Edwin. But you're right, I suppose. Very well then. My apologies, ladies, but I must take my leave. If there are any further troubles, you know where to find me. Cassy, I will bring you your 'medication' tomorrow or the day after, so do not fret," Robert said.

"Ohhh, Robert, do you have to go?"

"Yes, Robert, can't you stay a while longer?"

"Stay, Robert! Don't worry about the highborns and stay with us."

"As much as I would like to do just that, I must earn back the coin you stole and then put back in my purse," Robert said with a cheeky smile.


"Bahahaha, don't worry about it. I've already gifted you a few silver stags. Take care," Robert said and then left with the guards.

As they were out of the brothel, the guards looked at Robert with a weird expression, making him ask them what they had. 

"What is it?"

"My Lord, we were just wondering ... you said they stole from you ... don't you want to punish them? Such is unsightly behaviour for a man of your station.", Edwin says. 

"Haha, why would I punish them, if they gave me more than they actually took, which was nothing by the way? They were about to steal from me, as it goes, but when they realised what I was doing and all the help I gave them, they just put all the money back. I was never here for intercourse, Edwin. There are many things more important than that."

"And what was that, if you don't mind me asking, my Lord?", Edwin asks intrigued.



"Yes. Brothels are the place where hundreds of thousands of people come and go. Many customers talk and everything can be of importance, no matter how insignificant it may seem.", Robert said, but he withheld the most crucial part of what he was doing in the brothel, since that was for him alone to know. 

"I understand my Lord."

"Now then, let's go to visit the lion's den ... literally."


Tomorrow, I might not post a chapter. I am really busy right now. 

There are a few plans Robert has, which will be revealed slowly. It has something to do with his bloodline, which will also be revealed.