Tourney at Harrenhal IV

- 281 AC -

- Storm's End -

(3rd Person POV)

On the clean and beautiful streets of Storm's End's town, a tall man walks down the streets. He is not in a hurry, but his steps are controlled and focused. Like a predator, he moves through the large town without trouble as everyone he comes across makes way for him. 

The reason for this is the powerful aura of the man. He was dressed in a black tuxedo. His jacket had silk peak lapels, matching trousers, a white wing-collared dinner shirt, and a black bow tie. He wears a matching black waistcoat with a horseshoe neckline. He didn't look like someone from the current time in Westeros. He rather looked like a gentleman from the future time or ... a gangster. 

It was a strange sight. The man was simply taking a walk but the other people walking on the side, no matter if they are male or female, or how old they are, all of them suddenly freeze for an instant. The man was just taking a walk. 

To put a good example would be to paint a picture of the savannah. A young impala is getting around alone in the savannah and all of a sudden ... the unfortunate impala comes across a young cheetah. The fastest of the fast creature on land who can dash up to 70 miles per hour at his top speed, within only four seconds. 

What would anyone do in that situation? The only option would be to escape as it is the speciality of the impala and move in a zig-zag pattern. However ... the little impala doesn't run. The misfortune that fell on him, this desperate situation makes his boy cringe in fear and he can't even make a single step. But the cheetah is not interested in hunting him and when eventually he's out of range ... he finally starts running away. 

What was happening here in the crowd of Storm's End was exactly the same phenomenon. Something extraordinary that this man possesses, that's in a different league from ordinary people. His fighting skills? His spiritual power? His physical strength? His presence? Or all of the above? He made a complete stranger cringe in fear. A man who had just walked passed them had just seen him for the first time, who might or might not have heard of his name ... or knowing the amazing stories about him. The 60 trillion cells of every person in the crowd reacted before they could realise and moved to the side. 

Most of course knew this man, Robert Baratheon. The mighty stag of Storm's End and the Stormlands. 


Robert moved through the crowd at a moderate pace. He was not in a hurry but neither did he want to waste time. Stannis had already set off to Harrenhal where he would wait for Robert. Robert had something to do still before he could leave Storm's End. Their parents, Steffon and Cassana would not follow them to Harrenhal. The shame King Aerys brought them was still lingering in the back of their minds. A lot has happened since that day and even if almost everyone had no idea, House Baratheon was most likely the most powerful one in all of Westeros. 

Robert had changed over the years. The moment when his parents were shamed in front of the entire court and his almost-betrothed Elia Martell was taken, he had dropped the 'child act' and began playing the game for real. What that meant ... we shall see, but the list he had of the people who crossed him and House Baratheon was being taken care of ... slowly. 

He finally reached the building he wanted to and entered. It was an unassuming building with a nice restaurant inside. Without saying anything, Robert moved to the back and then descended into the cellar. He walked through the door and then reached a dark room. Three people were waiting for him there, Thomas and Arthur Shelby and a man who was seated on a single chair, bound and with a piece of cloth in his mouth. 

"Thommy, Arthur.", Robert greeted the two men. 

"Robert. We found him like you said, about to send a raven to King's Landing. Seems like you were right about his 'loyalties' being fickle. So far so good, the Spider has swallowed everything you wanted.", Thomas told Robert who nodded his head. 

"Good. Now, Rodrick ... it seems we have much to discuss.", Robert says and slowly takes off his coat. 

"Please please please *sob sob* ... I swear I had to do it, Robert I-"


"Shut yer mouth you bloody cunt.", Arthur says after smacking Rodrick across the face. 

*Sob Sob Sob*

"You know, Rodrick, I know this might appear as unfair since I not only allowed you to spy on me, but I also manipulated you into doing it. But I never forced you to do anything. it was your choice and greed that dictated your actions and now ... you pay the price. I would have just killed you after you served our purpose, but sadly, you still know things that might be useful to us.", Robert says after he has prepared for the torture session. 

He takes the second chair and pulls it closer. He then moves to the table next to them holding a series of tools that are intended for torture and takes something akin to a screwdriver. 

Rodrick is sobbing and crying in the background but none of the men care. They have long learned that you don't cross Robert Baratheon, or you pay the price. 

"You know when I started this ... all of this. Storm's End, the Peaky Blinders, I believed in something. I believed in a great rise to power and influence. I never really believed in loyalty. At least not the one outside of my family. But here we are, and I'm left wondering if it ever mattered. If you ever cared about anything other than yourself."

Robert takes a step closer and looks Rodrick in the eyes.

"Did you have a choice? Do any of us have choices? You chose greed over loyalty, selfishness over brotherhood. Short-term rewards over the long-term ones. And for what? A few more coins in your pocket? A bit more power?

Truth is, I thought it mattered. I thought that loyalty mattered. But does it? Bullocks! Not as much as your greed mattered. The irony of it all is that we aren't here at this moment, at this time, because we are free. You're here because you're not free."

Robert sits down in front of Rodrick.

"Now ... why don't you tell me what you know, Rodrick?"




- A few hours later -

Robert was outside the building with Thomas, while Arthur took care of the body. 

"So anything new?"

"No. He didn't know anything and what he did know, was false information. The Spider made sure to hide his tracks well, but not well enough to not be noticed by us."

"Then why torture him?"

"It's a matter of principle. Besides, he might have known something. I wanted to know what he thought he knew."

"Then is it happening soon?", Thomas asks Robert.

Thomas knew about some of Robert's plans. He was the most important leader of the Peaky Blinders, after Robert and Stannis. But Stannis didn't really bother with the Blinders that much. He had administrative things to do. Thomas was responsible for the Blinders in all of Westeros' cities. 

"Most likely. From what I can tell, the tourney will be a big step in setting everything up. The fuse is already lit. One small spark and everything explodes into thousands of pieces."

"And you will make sure it does?"

"Aye, I will make sure it does. I swore it the day, Father returned from King's Landing. I would take everything from them and slowly bleed them out until they had nothing left except their lives. And then ... I will take that as well."

"Is that hate talking?"

"Fury, my friend. That is fury. No one can take anything from me or touch my family. Should that happen, he shouldn't be surprised if my full anger hits him with the force of a Warhammer. I chose the slow approach this time. It is just more satisfying this way. The time is now, we are more than prepared for what is likely to come."

"I'll take your word for it, Robert. So when are you leaving?", Thomas asks. 

"Now. I am already late. I better get things going, otherwise, it will be hard to register for the melee, which I will win of course.", Robert says with a smile. 

"Of course. I've seen what you did to the boulder and that was only you using your fists. I dread what you can do with a weapon. Nevertheless, I wish you luck my friend."

"Thank you."


Robert had left everything in the capable hands of Mary. Storm's End has transformed from a rather backwards, run-down big village, to a beautiful city beyond compare in Westeros. 


The walls were up to five times thicker and sturdier than before, offering protection against all kinds of attacks and sieges. The houses and buildings in general looked much more beautiful than before. All of them had a similar theme to them. A lot of money flowed into the construction of roads, the expansion and improvement of the docks, the creation of bigger and faster ships, the establishment of trade routes with Essos and even the creation of many fields where food was planted. 

Robert had thought about the future and what he was certain would happen. After the humiliation of the King, Robert planned far into the future and knew that it was not only a good idea but a necessity to plant food and hold animals in case of a siege. Robert told Stannis that day, that it was time for a regime change and he meant that like he said it. A regime change would come and he had made sure of it. 

He played the Game of Thrones on multiple fronts and was crushing the opposition devastatingly. 

One of the things he did at first, was taking care of all the children and homeless in and around Storm's End. He knew that every child could be a spy for Varys in the future, so it had to be done. He took care of them and created orphanages and schools to teach them and make them functioning members of society in Storm's End. He was a manipulative bastard, but not a complete asshole, so he didn't create doctrines or something like that. 

He taught them in earnest and allowed them to choose their futures on their own.

Funnily enough, not one of the children left Storm's End after growing up and finishing their education. Some of them, the girls among them would either become seamstresses or work in the restaurants or hotels, which were introduced. The men would either go and become sailors, merchants, construction workers, architects or even join the Peaky Blinders. There were also quite a few women who joined the Peaky Blinders or other jobs, but to introduce change would take time. So while Robert was a supporter of gender equality, he didn't bother pushing things. If it happened, it happened. 

Due to this education system and the fact that the children decided to work in Storm's End, the city prospered. The economy of House Baratheon and Storm's End, changed from good, to inconceivable in a matter of years. And it will only continue this way. Not all of the children were working or finished with school. Some were very young when Robert started his work. But most of them were finished already. 

All of the foreign kids, Varys forced to work for him, were actually loyal to him already and he only allowed things to appear the way they did. If he 'found' all the spies in his ranks, it would be suspicious and that wasn't something he wanted right now. Soon, a few things would come to light, but only when he decided it was time to do so. 


Right now, Robert was riding towards Harrenhal, ready for what the future would bring. He had prepared the armour he created over the years. The Battleaxe and the Warhammer were hanging over his shoulder. 


It was time to bash some heads in. And Robert was eager to teach some humility to the arrogant pieces of shit.