Tourney at Harrenhal VI

- 281 AC - 

- Harrenhal -

(Elia POV)

The Hall of a Hundred Hearths was huge. It is the largest hall at Harrenhal, and it was fitting. The cavernous and drafty room was even larger than the throne room of the Red Keep. Huge hearths are arranged along the walls every ten feet or so, and despite its name, it only contains thirty-some hearths. At the end of the head of one of the large tables sat the King with the Kingsguard keeping watch over him. His gaze swept over all the people present, and he tried to spot the traitors with his eyes. His long nails were clanking on the goblet he was using to drink wine, and his hair was already filled with crumbs of bread and other types of food. The paranoia and madness had long taken over his mind, and he was incapable of normal human behaviour. 

Long tables made of dark, shiny oak filled the hall, overflowing with food fit for the nobility present on this evening. Platters of roasted boar were presented with pride, their skins crispy. Steamed crabs from the waters near Gulltown sat next to bowls of carrots and hearty, steaming stew. Fruits like figs, plums, and blackberries tumbled out of silver bowls, leaving stains on the fingers of those who grabbed them. Servants passed around goblets filled with alcohol and rich red Dornish wine into the eager hands of the nobles present. 

There were men and women from all over the Seven Kingdoms here. No one could afford to not try and win some of the lavish prizes Lord Walter Whent offered. The chance to gossip, drink, have sex and fight for glory and honour was on everyone's mind. Close to the King, at least in his vicinity, was his family and the closest members of the court seated. This included Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and me, with my daughter Rhaenys. Aegon was asleep, I hope. My little girl was uncomfortable, just like her mother was in this situation. The hall was loud and filled with laughter, shouting, and profanity. The wine was spilt on the floor and dresses, and for a woman like me with rather a weak physique, it was too much. I hold my daughter close to me and feed her some of the food, or I try to. The sole reason I am here hasn't arrived yet, and I am trying to hold everything together. My demeanour isn't allowed to change; it is my duty as the Princess to act accordingly. Rhaegar left my side quite early on and moved around the hall, greeting the nobles and flirting with the ladies. His songs fill the hall and make the maidens cry.

And then it happens. 


The large wooden doors to the hall crash open, and two figures tumble into the hall.


All the talking and eating stopped, and all eyes turned to the two newcomers who dared to interrupt this joyous occasion. They hit the tables and chairs in front of them, causing food and drinks to fall to the floor and the men and women to back away from them. Then, the larger of the two men grabbed the other and lifted him into the air like a barbarian claiming his prize. 

"Raha, I win! Huh?"

Both of them suddenly stopped and looked around. They realised that they had embarrassed themselves. But instead of being embarrassed, well, one of them was, the other just started laughing. 


He was laughing so hard that after a moment, another person also started laughing. 

"Ha ... haha ... hahahahahahahahahaha"

And then another and another. More and more people started laughing, and after a moment, the entire hall was laughing together, and no one truly knew why. It was a strange moment, and only one person could do that. Who else but Robert Baratheon? 

My demeanour brightens suddenly. He has arrived, and as it is his way, with a bang. A smile makes its way onto my face, a real one this time. I suddenly feel a tug on my dress and look down to see Rhaenys looking up at me. 

"Mommy, who is that?"

"That, my sweet, is Robert Baratheon. Would you like to meet him?"

"Yes!" she smiles and nods. 

"I don't think you have to wait too long because-"


And there it is. I had expected him to greet me, but not right after entering the hall. It is fitting for the people to greet the King first and foremost and then the members of the royal family, meaning Rhaegar. But he doesn't care about that and just walks up to me, pushing all others out of his way. I can see Jaime Lannister move in front of us. 

"Ser Jaime don't-"

"Stop right there yo-"


Robert doesn't stop moving and bumps into Jaime. The poor boy is hit to the side and falls to the ground, hitting a table and embarrassing himself. Then Robert is in front of me. His smile is huge and bright as if a sun had gone up inside the hall. His big hands grab a hold of my shoulders, and he lifts me up. Despite him lifting me, I'm not hurt, he is always gentle with me. I must weigh nothing to him. He raises me into the air and then embraces me, giving me a kiss on the cheek. I can't help but get red at his attention. 

"It's good to see you again, Elia."

The entire hall disappears for me for a moment. There are so many things I wish to tell him that I can't. I want to tell him that I tried; I want to tell him that nothing happened, that I got to know Cersei and the life I had led. And I want to tell him about Rhaenys ... !!! Rhaenys! 

"Robert, I would like you to meet my daughter, Rhaenys," I say and gently move Rhaenys in front of me. Robert has finally put me back on my feet. 

Rhaenys is shy for some reason. If she doesn't like someone, she just ignores them or acts as though she is busy with something else, but this time, she seems genuinely shy. Robert and Rhaenys observe one another. He bends his knees to look at her but still towers over her. 

"It is nice to meet you, Rhaenys."

His tone is soft, and a giant weight is taken from my shoulders. I thought he would judge Rhaenys since he thinks she's Rhaegar's child. But he doesn't do that. 

"Mhm, nice to meet you as well, Ser Robert."

"Bahahahaha. Robert is sufficient," Robert laughs and picks up Rhaenys and throws her into the air like a small stone. My heart almost stops beating, seeing him throw my daughter around like that ... and then I remember ... our daughter. 


Rhaenys seems to enjoy it. 

"Ha! You're quite brave for your age. I remember when I did that to my brother Stannis; he was scared and cried. HEY STANNIS, LOOK AT THIS!"

I see Stannis approaching and shaking his head. He arrives in front of the King and bows slightly. Then he moves to us and shakes his head again. 

"Stop doing that, Robert. You can't just throw around children like you did when we were young. This is the grandchild of the King!"

"Hahaha, remember when I did that to you when we were a child, and you shit yourself?"

"That never happened!" Stannis hisses. 

"You! How dare you hit a member of the Kingsguard?!" I hear a shout and look to the side. 

Ser Jaime has managed to stand up again and looks at Robert angrily. He has his hand on his hilt, ready to unsheathe it and attack Robert. I know that no matter what it looks like, Robert would pound him to pieces. But I don't want a fight to take place when my daughter is present. Jaime approaches and pulls out his sword. Robert raises his hand and-

"Hahahaha, sorry about that, young lion. I didn't see you there."

"... Huh?"

"Say, that's a neat sword you have there, quite shiny. You are truly skilled to become a member of the Kingsguard at ten and five name days. You must be a true prodigy."

"Uhhh, well ... yes. I suppose so."

"Hah! See how humble he is, Stannis. I'm sure he'll get far in the future."


I see the young Jaime look embarrassed. All his anger has left him, and everyone around agrees with Robert. The young man is talented and simply must be a genius if he can join the Kingsguard at his age. But I know that Robert knows the truth. He is aware of the political problems between the King and Tywin Lannister. And yet, he managed to placate Jaime for pushing him around like a ragdoll and amuse the King for embarrassing the son of Tywin. And all that without even trying. 


I hear the king's crackling laugh and cringe. Robert looks at the King without a change in his expression. I want to take Rhaenys away and get some distance between us and the King, but she is still in Robert's arms and doesn't seem to want to leave yet. He may be the only other person in this world, whom I would trust with her life. 

"Baratheon ... you are Steffon's brat, aren't you?" the king starts, and I inhale sharply. This can only go badly. Despite his 'madness', the King has retained his ability to spite all those around him, and when it comes to cruelty, he is as sharp as ever. 

"Indeed I am. I am happy to hear that you know me; how wonderful."

"Hehehe, indeed. Say, how is your father and your mother? Last time I saw them, I remember they weren't feeling so well ..." 

I swallow hard. I know that this is a great slight to Robert's honour and that of his entire house. I know of his fury, which he is capable of, and I know what he felt like when his parents were whipped, or his father at least. To bring it up now is brave, to say the least. I wonder what his plan is. 

"Bahahahahahahahaha ...they're doing better than you are. Hahahahaha"


The king joins Robert's laughter, as does everyone else. I'm not certain whether everyone heard what Robert just said, but it seems to have drowned in all that laughter. Robert just told the King how bad he looks. 

"Tell me, a boy of Steffon, what are you doing with my grandchild? Are you planning to assassinate me, like everyone else in this hall?"

"Well, it seems that you are no better a judge of human beings than you are a specimen of one. Just on a brief inventory, I'd say you could use yourself a shave, to clip those nails and a brighter disposition. And lastly, if you don't mind me saying ... a better class of sycophants. The ones you're using right now aren't being honest with you; they're most probably whispering poisoned words into your ears."

My jaw drops to the floor when I hear Robert's words. I look between the King and Robert, who is already walking away and talking to Rhaenys again as if he couldn't be bothered about the consequences his actions hold. The King looks displeased, very much so. If looks could kill, then Robert would already be burning due to the fire the King likes to use lately.

I walk towards Robert, who is telling jokes to Rhaenys, and look back worriedly. This may prove to be a problem for me as well. I will have to talk to Robert as soon as possible, and while I'm at it ... tell him the truth about Rhaenys. It is time, he knows. Time that both of them know. If something happens to me, she has to be safe, and I would rather die than see her be brought up at court. My sweet deserves all the best this accursed world has to offer, and all the good is with Robert in Storm's End. Not even the Water Gardens can compare with what he created. 


Surprise chapter to make up for the long wait. The next one comes out late this week, maybe next week. Depends on how much work I have. 
