Ego vs Omnixis

"Ego, you're really getting on my nerves..." His face twitched, and he appeared visibly distressed. He clenched both fists together tightly, staring the man straight in the eye. "I know who you really are, you don't even deny it!"

He threw his left arm out, catching the attack and countering with a blow directly to Ego's side.

"Oof. It's been ages since I've engaged in physical conflict. This will do nicely." Omnixis murmured, letting his hair cover half of his eyes.

Ego let a smirk appear on his face. He jumped backward quickly avoiding another swing, landing smoothly, and whirling around swiftly and gracefully, darting his head away just milliseconds before a punch was thrown his way.

"Yes, perfect; that's the ticket!" Omnixis gleefully said, leaping onto the tree trunk.

Before Ego could land another hit, he suddenly teleported back to the moment he began his attack, disorienting him in the process.

"What was that just now, I swear I have experienced that kind of energy somewhere."

Ego yelled angrily as he charged full speed towards him, his hair whipping about in the breeze.

"TEMPORAL DISPLACEMENT! WHAT A MAGNIFICENT TECHNIQUE!" he chuckled happily, watching the world blur around him.


He froze.

Ego spun his heel and went straight for another kick, aiming directly at his face.

"HAH! FOOLS WILL NEVER SURPASS THE GOD OF ALL!" he screamed maniacally, slamming his leg upwards directly onto the top of Ego's skull.


He yelled out in shock as the back of his foot was sent upwards, crashing onto Ego's chin and knocking him over, sending him rolling backwards onto the floor.

"And I think it's safe to say, I win." He declared loudly, slumping down and leaning against a nearby tree, the shadows covering his form once again.

Ego got up and leaned his forehead on the floor, his breath heavy and erratic.

"Wow, I'm impressed; I haven't been beaten so badly in a long time." Ego winced, clutching the spot that throbbed.

"Then why do you look so upset?" He inquired curiously, cocking his head to one side.

Within the blink of an eye, Ego appeared in front of Omnixis with his hand wrapped around his neck, applying pressure onto his windpipe and blocking off any form of oxygen intake.

"IM DOING PLAYING AROUND." Ego said through gasps, his breath ragged, as a bright white light flared in front of him. Ego tightened his grip and the pressure increased further. He started to spasm violently, flailing around helplessly in an attempt to escape. The sounds of bone breaking echoed loudly as the fingers dug further inside his throat.

Omnixis coughed loudly, blood spewing from his mouth and covering the side of his face. His face contorted into a wicked expression as he smiled cruelly, laughing madly, causing the surrounding air to become vibrantly hot. Omnixis could no longer will himself to speak as everything that was once his neck became mutilated, yet he still stood. "This is who I truly am, Sora Katayama."

His hand grasped Ego's face, and a strong red glow formed inside his palm.

"Wh...WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Ego squawked. Before Omnixis could get off the final blow, I was able to gain control of my body once again.

"SHIT! CYRUS THIS WASN'T A GOOD TIME TO COME BACK!" As I tried to gasp for some air, I realized there was nothing. I was suffocating at the hands of my mentor. The situation escalated incredibly and I couldn't form anything to communicate with Ego, nor did I have any strength to get up, it hurts, it hurts.

As soon as we landed back into the camp, all eyes fell on us. "REMI I NEED YOU NOW!"

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO CYRUS?" Remi looked horrified as she began to reconstruct all of the muscles and fibers in my neck.

Ego looked at her, his face apologetic. "I did this to him, he was under the control of the host of his body, I had to do what I needed to get rid of him."

The only thing that everyone could hear through Remi and Ego's bickering is my trying to form what seems to be a scream but blocked out by all the blood gurgling in my mutilated throat. I raised an arm, swinging wildly as it struck Remi's back. Everyone, except her and Ego, screamed at the sight of what transpired before our eyes.

"My God, what the hell happened to you Cyrus..." Callum couldn't do anything but cover his eyes at the sight of me, the only thing Ariel could do was comfort Callum and try not to throw up.

"You can heal this... RIGHT?!" Ego turned Remi around and made her look into my eyes, they were dull, grey, soulless.

"HE HASN'T BEEN ABLE TO BREATHE IN 3 MINUTES IM DOING EVERYTHING I FUCKING CAN!" She kept on trying, and it looks like it worked. The flesh grew back on my neck and the windpipe reconstructing itself and my larynx working.


Before Ego could walk away I grabbed his leg, my eyes glaring with determination. "I know what you are."

His whole body froze, I saw every single hair on his body stand on end. "SORA KATAYAMA." I mouthed as he took the words straight out of my mouth.

I passed out afterwards due to the exhaustion from the battle I fought inside my head and also the pain that was unimaginable that he was gone.