6. Lilura's Dream

" You don't seem to like women either. Infact you avoid them like the plague. Don't think I haven't noticed, Levi."

" I don't hate women, Father. Infact I'm perfectly capable of holding a proper conversation with them without growling or getting angry as long as they don't get out of line. What I do hate, is their scents when the throw themselves at me like that. It...it disgusts me. Except Mother, sister, and my mate, I don't think I'll be able to stand another woman unless they don't have any improper thoughts about me." Levi explained.

His father was looking at him with wonder. This is the first time he's hearing this fact about his son and he was nothing short of surprised.

" Ohh. That is...wow and...and new, why haven't I heard about this before? you're not supposed to be repulsed by the advances of other women until after you find your mate. And may I ask you if you have ever looked at yourself in the mirror? As one of the most handsome, most eligible bachelor in Midgard, it is perfectly normal that every girl in her right mind would want to be with you." Rex replied looking at his son with pride.

" But now that you've explained, it's fine. I won't force you anymore but we still have to go through with this banquet first. I've already invited them, it'll be rude of you not to attend. So you have to go through with it, check them all out, if there's none of them that interests you, I'll drop the matter." Rex finally relented.

It seems there's no other way around it now that he understands his son better. It's been so long since they've had such a heart to heart conversation. He's happy Levi was opening up to him again.

Levi sighed in defeat "Alright. I'll do as you say this time but I'm not promising you anything."

He knew his father was only worried about him. Which is quite understandable as they all know the danger that's looming over the kingdom.

" It's fine, as long as you attend the banquet."

" Alright. Finish your lunch, father. I'll be taking my leave now if there's nothing else. " He stood up from his seat and bowed to his father.

" And Levi? "

"Yes Father? "

" I want you to know that I'm proud of you. Of what you've achieved and become and I'm sorry for pushing you so hard, if I'd known sooner, I'd have been more thoughtful. I hope you find her soon, Levi. I really hope you find her soon." Rex heart was in his eyes as he speak. He knew Levi was special but he didn't know he was this special. His mate would be the luckiest girl in the world, that he is sure of.

Levi walked to his father and hugged him. " It's alright, father. Everything Will be alright."

" Okay. Go do what you have to do , son. And don't forget to take enough rest. We'll talk about your dreams next time. " Rex waved him off.

" Alright. See you later " Levi stood up and walked out of the Pavilion with a lighter heart and a new vigour.

He's really missed talking to his father like that with all that has been going on with him lately. It seems he should do this more often in the future.

" Your Majesty," Jasper approached him as soon as he was out of the pavilion.

" Preparation for the auction had been made and I heard it will be held at the Azuran tower again." Jasper explain as he followed Levi with the rest of the guards trailing after them.

He could feel the changes in Levi's mood and was happy he doesn't have to face the scary face of the king again for the rest of the day.

" Okay " jasper knew the king doesn't really have much interest in the auction. He only attended for the sake of courtesy since most of other kings and nobles will surely attend since it's a royal affair where alot of precious things will be auctioned off and also the fact that the banquet after the auction is always normally hosted by the king of Azure.

" I also received reports that princess Nerida would be arriving back at the palace to attend the auction with you"

" What? " Levi stopped and rubbed his temple " what's she coming back for? I thought she was enjoying her time mother at the Vespera Kingdom? " He asked as he resumed walking.

" Well it seems she has decided to return after she heard of your impending engagement with Seggotan princess" jasper replied.

" Heavens. That girl, I hope she isn't flying, that will get her here faster than I'd like." Nerida is another headache Levi doesn't want to think about right now.

" No, your majesty. She'll be taking the carriage along with her entourage. I guess the princess like to act like a princess, afterall "

" Good as long as she doesn't get here faster. I'll have few more days of peace. I haven't even got the customized necklace I owe her the last time."

Nerida is Levi's adopted sister. She was adopted by his mother, Queen Saphhira, when she was ten years old and has been treated like a princess even since then.

She's a very spoiled princess and she's very protective of Levi. She practically thinks no woman is good enough for his brother except of course, herself. Although she wouldn't say that out loud or really act on it. She knows Levi too much for her to make that kind of mistake.

But Levi isn't dumb, he knows his sister more than anyone else. But she'll never be anything other than his sister.

But then, Levi smiled to himself. A plan started forming in his head. It's actually good that Nerida is coming, that way he wouldn't have to deal with the princesses alone. Nerida is the perfect person for the job.


A day to the auction.

Lilura dreamed of a man. He was a very tall and big man who exudes power, a very strong aura that'll make people instinctively submit to him.

He was standing in the middle of a rose garden as still as a painting with his eyes closed and his face lifted to the feel of the gentle breeze caressing his face.

He silver robe was fluttering in the gentle breeze along with his is long Platinum mane that has with two worrior braids at both sides of his head.

When he finally lowered his head, she was... Stunned.

His eyes, they're a pair of sharp piercing silver, framed by a thick feathery brow with just the right amount of arc highlighting his features and a ridiculously long eyelashes that'll put any woman to shame. He had high cheek bones, chiseled jaw and full red lips. everything encased in a face that screamed dominance.

There eyes met.

And the sharp silver eyes glowed a bright fiery white.

Lilura gasped. A god. That was her first thought. And he looked so powerful and so alone.

She has never seen a Man so sinfully handsome and it took her breath away.

He took a step towards her...

"Wake up" she was shaken awake from the dream. and when she opened her eyes, she was staring at the blury image of Ralf. She was huddled at a corner of the carriage with her legs shackled.

"Eat. we'll be reaching the Capital in by night fall." Ralf said as he handed her a bowl of rabbit stew. The best she has eaten so far ever since she's been in boundage.

"Eat quick before before Nero sees and start making a fuss again." Ralf said and left. He's the only one that hasn't treat her badly ever since she came here. she was sure he must have smuggled the rabbit stew without anyone noticing.

She doesn't know why he does that though. Maybe it's out of pity but she doesn't care.

Ever since the last time they got nothing from her, they've stopped torturing her. they even took her out of the damp and cold dungeon to a small room in the servants quarters where the healer can attend to her wounds.

The healer had washed and clean her cuts and apply healing salves all over her body. she also prepared healing portions for her and another portion for her eyes to clear her vision a little though her eyes isn't healed yet.

Her vision is still blury. After that she was allowed to rest for the past few days, she regained a little bit of her strength. Her healing would have been slow if not for the healer using her healing power to speed up the process.

Now have enough strength to stand on her own two feets. She'd initially expected to be taken back to the dungeon seeing as she was already healing but instead, she has beenasked to get ready the day before, that Lord Dagan would taking her along with him to the capital.