Chapter 4: The Truth

"Who is it?" "Its Jim." "Oh please come in." "Hey there. Its closed today. We haven't seen you in awhile are you ok?" "Yeah about that. I'm pregnant. I was apparently when they found me as well and were surprised it survived." "I see. Well congrats. Does that mean you won't be coming in?" "Oh once I got this situation calmed down I'm ok to come in. when I am heavily pregnant I won't be able too." "Ok sounds good. I was just on my way somewhere and decided to stop by." "Thanks Jim." "Sure." Then he left and I heard the door open with Hazel and the girls coming in.


"Is it true Zuri! Your pregnant?!" "Haha yes. Its true. I'm even having Kaden help me out with names. You haven't heard him speak yet have you? Go ahead Kade." "Hello Kira and friends." "Woah what a voice." "I know right? He is only 10. Hazel is my uncle and cousins still here? Can you have then and uncle Cass come too." "Haha yeah I'll go get them. Kade come with me." "Yeah she needs some girl time."


Once they left they asked me all sorts of questions. "Woah slow down girls! One at a time!" Then Kira said something. "Did your boyfriend know before he passed on?" "Since I remember only this part of my life then yes I can tell you. No he didn't. I was going to find him to tell him I think I might be. Before I could do anything, I got word he died." "What was his name?" "Oh right I didn't tell the boys either. His name was Sora." "Oh I'm sorry. I think he would have been happy." "I think so too. thanks Kira." "Sure."


The boys finally came back with my uncle Ben cousin Zen and Keeve. "Before you all ask. Yes I am pregnant. Its Sora's." "So you remember Sora finally?" "Yeah but no one told me how he died." "You will find out soon enough. Uncle since you are all here I have to tell you all something. This necklace was my mothers. The person inside told me who I am but not what happened to me to cause me to be here since she just now knew of me now. I told them who I am and what Zala told me. Is this all true uncle?" "Yes. Though I didn't know about the baby part. Now that I take a look at him, he looks just like his mother." "Uncle Ben. Do you have a picture of mom and dad?" "Yes I do." He showed me a picture and I started crying. "Mom. Dad. Brother is safe. I found him. I will do my best to keep him safe." I said looking at the picture. "Kaden you are a spitting image of mom." "Yeah thanks. Hazel the man that claimed to be my dad. Did he look like this?" "No he didn't." "Oh about that. I told them about what Zala told me. "I figured as much." "Now that I know this much, can I know now how I ended up in the river? Uncle Ben?" He looked at the elder and he agreed.


"Sigh. OK. You were running away and came to a dead end and the only thing was a river so you jumped in." "Why was I running away?" The Zen spoke up. "You were being forced to marry someone you didn't want to. You were in love with Sora. He knew that." "Wait was he the one that killed Sora?" "Sigh. No. No one killed him." "What do you mean? Isn't he dead?" "Yes he is. Like I said no one killed him. There was an accident. A stupid accident. He fell off a cliff. When he heard you were looking for him, he was on his way to see you. It shocked him and made him fall. He was hanging on for dear life. He told me to tell you something before he died. He told me to tell you that he would have married you and that if ended up pregnant from the last time you saw each other he would have been happy. He loved you and would have loved to see his child that he never knew existed. He said he loved you very much. Then he let go and fell into the river." "Thank you Zen. Thank you so much. Its like a heavy burden lifted off of me now. So what does this have to do with aunt Lia?"


Then Ben spoke. "Lia made a deal with the prince." "Wait a minute. All of you knew I was a princess?!" "No just Your and I knew. Don't blame your cousins." "Continue!" I said while gritting my teeth. "Yes we knew. We were planning on telling you. As for where Lia is, she made a deal with the prince. If you didn't come, she would be a servant in the castle. They would find something she is good at and make her do it for them at least until you showed up if you were alive." "If it wasn't for Kade and Hazel, I wouldn't be here. I wasn't breathing and Hazel breathed for me and gave me CPR. Kade brought me to shore after finding me." "Thank you Kade for finding my niece." "Your welcome. Yes I can talk now. Yes I have a unique voice for a 10 year old." "Yes and I was told you are mature for your age too." "Yeah so they say." "OK now continue uncle. Is Aunti Lia still alive?" "Last time we heard word was 4 days ago. As long as you were here." "I see that's good then. I'm sorry but I can't marry him. Let him know that. I will never return there or back home. This is my home now. I hope you can accept it. Elder if they wanted to they could right? I mean I know they aren't half demons like my brother and I but.." "Yes as long as they follow the rules." "There you have it Uncle Ben. Now as for his baby, I am keeping it. I have a bunch of women to help out. I will eventually get another boyfriend and in a couple years I plan on getting married to him. When I know I will send word to you. I already have someone in mind but don't know for sure. No I won't tell you yet." "I wasn't going to make you give up the baby. I knew you would have help here. Is not my first time here but it is the kids first time. We will be going back home tomorrow." "Oh. Ok. Um can you wait for me to come by first?" "Yes we can." "Ok thanks. I have somewhere to be so I can't hang out today. Sorry guys." "Its Ok its not like we wont see each other again. Said Zen." "Yeah I know." "OK well I better go. Sorry for running away and scaring you and Aunt Lia and the kids." "Its fine now go." "Ok. Then Kade and I left." "Why did you lie to uncle Ben you had to be somewhere?" "I don't know why but I'm getting a feeling from uncle Ben. It's a strange one. I don't know if its good or bad. Zala did you feel it?" "Yes is did. I agree with you." "So What do you want to do brother?" "Hmm. Oh I know follow me."


I followed him in the forest to a certain area. "Woah. Did you build this?" "Yeah Hazel helped." "I see is this for a place where you had to think." "Yeah it is. So sister. When you get your memory back fully, would you remember what happened? Would you remember how you felt when you found out about mom having another baby?" "Well I can't remember now but when I do I will let you know. I bet I was excited to be a big sister." "Uh so about this person being your boyfriend. You were thinking of Hazel weren't you?" Then I felt myself blush. Then I cleared my throat. "Well sort of. I don't know how to tell him I like him. I don't even know why I am telling you this. Maybe its because you are my brother by birth and we have this connection." "Yeah probably." "Well I read a lot too. I have an idea." Then He whispered his idea to me and we decided to do it after work tomorrow.


The next day I saw them off. I hugged my cousins and told them I would see them soon. Then I went to work. I actually got to make something with Ziva just watching and saying some tips in case I do something wrong. I wanted to make something for Hazel as a gift. I made him a dagger that has his favorite color green on the blade and tones on the hilt which was silver. Then I made something for them to sell. After it. Once I got these down I would be able to make swords and other weapons I want to sell. "finally. After making 3 daggers including the one I made I was tired. It was finally time to go home get changed and do the plan I had with Kade. I went to change out of my work outfit, then I had a flash. No not again. I held the wall. Luckily I was out of my work clothes already when I calmed down and told everyone goodbye and left. I heard someone calling my name. I turned around and it was Jim. "Jim. What is it?" "I saw you didn't look so good. Are you ok?" "Yes just tired is all thanks." "If you need anything let me know ok? I too have a child. He is a year old. He is at home with his mom." "OK thanks. I will." Then I Left for home.


When I got home I met Kade at the door. "Ok so brother is at the Café right now. I told him I wanted him to meet someone." "OK cool. So he has no idea its me right?" "Nope." "OK let me shower and get dressed. I'll be as quick as possible."

I showered for 5 minutes. Got dressed, did my hair and makeup. "Wow you look Gorgeous." "Thanks lets go." So we headed off to the café at one of the outside tables.


I spotted Hazel and told Kade. "Ok if he asks, tell him I had somewhere to be." "Haha like he will believe that." "That's the funny part now isn't it. I really do have something though. Have fun." I saw him looking at his menu so I said, "Can I take your order sir?" Then he looked up and saw me. "You scared me. I take it its you he wanted me to meet? Let me guess he said he had something to do right?" "Its ok I think he really had something to do though. I saw the look in his eye." "If you say so. So did he put us up to match make us?" "Well not exactly. I don't know how do say this so I guess I might as well just tell you. I like you Hazel. I'm sure you have known this for a long time. I told Kaden this and he arranged this for me." "I sort of figured it out. you kept looking at me and smiling." "My bad. Sorry about that." "No its all good. I like you too. Its just are you sure you want me? I mean you haven't even seen my true form yet." "Wait a minute. I was wondering why there was a demon village with no demons in it. So you mean you are human until you want to turn into your human form?" "Well that is if your not purely demon. IF you are a pure demon you would stay in your demon form like your mother. So you mean we are really half demon? Me and Kade?" "It would seem so." "When do demons normally get their demon form?" "You should be getting yours soon if not already. You are 16 and should be getting one. As for your brother he has time." "Hazel. I don't care what your demon form is. I didn't fall in love with your looks. I fell in love with the man you are. Although your looks aren't bad." "Haha cute Zuri. By the way sorry its late, but you look Gorgeous." "Haha Kade said the same thing." "That's not surprising he has wanted to praise you for a long time. He told me last night when you were sleeping." "Well I'm glad he's talking now." "Yeah. As for us, where do we go from here?" "Well I guess we can't do anything for awhile. But we can still go on dates and kiss." "haha yeah." "Oh I just remembered. I made something for you. Here." I gave him a sheath with the dagger in it. "Wow you made this yourself?" "Yeah Ziva just watched this time and gave me tips as I was working." "So cool. Thanks Zuri." "Your welcome." Then the waiter came by and we ordered our food. Ate our food and talked a little more. Then we went home holding hands.


Kade was sitting on the couch waiting for them. Then he heard the door open and looked. "Well I see it went well?" "Yes we are official now. Thank you, brother." I went over and hugged my little brother. Then I felt that strange bond.