Chapter 11: The truth about Sora

A few hours later we were at the gate. I put my hands on my legs cause I was tired. "We are almost there Zuri. Want me to carry you?" "No I'm fine." I said out of breath. "Ok we are almost there." So we went to the elders place.


"Welcome back Zuri." "Thank you both." Then we went in the back and slid the door open. "Uncle Cass. I…" Then I collapsed and blacked out. "Zuri!" Everyone yelled. I heard that before I blacked out. "I have a doctor here." "I'll go get them." Said uncle Ben. Then he left. "I think she was just tired. She was complaining she was tired and she was panting." "I'm sure that's all it is. Lets make sure. Better safe then sorry." After they talked awhile and told him what was going on the doctor showed up as they just finished up.


The doc rushed over to Zuri. He felt her forehead and did a normal checkup. "Well she is just exhausted. She'll be fine." They all were relieved. "She just needs to rest. Take her home and have her rest." "Yes sir thank you." Then Hazel picked her up and carried her home princess style.


Once he laid her on the bed and got her comfortable, there was a knock on the front door. 'Knock knock'. "Who is it?" "Its me." "Oh ok come in." "I heard what happened how is she?" "She is fine. she is resting." "Good. Oh here is Rio." "Thanks for looking after him. Where is uncle?" "Oh right you don't know. Well I assume you know his business was finding a girl. She and him hit it off. They are around somewhere." "OK well find him. When she wakes up she will need him here as well. There is a reason uncle Ben and everyone is here." "Ok I will go find him." Then Droll left and went to go find him. "Where is her bag Kade?" "In her room." "Good." Then they talked a bit until Droll and Aiden.


The next day she woke up. "Hmm. H-Hazel? K-Kade?" "Yes we're here. How you feeling?" "Much better. What time is it?" "You were asleep for a day. Its 10:00 in the morning. Everyone is waiting for you." "Oh that's right. Sora's stuff." Then I closed my eyes for a minute then got up. "Ok let me change. You two go wait out with the others." They left and I got dressed. Did my hair. I did my make up. I just didn't put anything but eyeline and shadow on. I know I would definitely cry. Then when I was done I went out to join everyone.


"OK. Hello everyone. Sorry to worry you all." I had my bag with me. I took out the box first. I put it on the coffee table. This was Sora's, he wanted me to look inside it. The reason I wanted all of you here is that I know aunt and uncle knew Sora. I also knew somehow Aiden knew him. So in here is the truth about him. I wanted those that know him to know who he really was and the ones that don't because I would need someone with me because this will be hard. No matter who he was, it never changes that fact I loved him. Still do." "We understand Zuri." Said Uncle and father. "OK here we go." I tried opening it but it wouldn't budge. Then I took the key out of the book and used it to open it. I was shocked. "Ok here we go." I put the key back into the book then opened the box.


I looked around inside and saw a bunch of strange things. Then I saw a locket. I picked it up and opened it. I smiled. It was a picture of us. One side it was his parents, the other it was me and him. I laid it on the table. Then looked at other things until I found an envelope. "Here is the moment of truth everybody. Be prepared. Is the baby asleep?" "Yes go ahead." Said Hazel. I took a deep breath and let it out a few times. I opened it with shaky hands. Then finally got to the letter and something fell out of it. I picked it up and held on to it until I was done with the letter. The letter said:

 My Dearest Zuri

If you have this box I'm sorry to say I've passed on and I'm sorry. I want you to know the truth about me. You have the right to know. If you have my child by this time tell them what you are about to learn of course when they are old enough. I hope that if you do the child will look like me. Haha. Anyway, so here is the truth. I am not exactly who you thought I was. I was just in this village for my real job. You thought I was a smith. That was only a cover up. I am actually half demon. I knew your uncle Aiden because of my job. The people you think are my parents are really Officers protecting me. They are married for sure. My real parents died when I was 1 year old. Aiden took me in. I did say I knew him from work but that is half the truth. Yes I was raised by your uncle Aiden. Then something happened to me. I got to see him again because of my work. I had lost my memory. As for my real job. I was a special kind of warrior. I'm mainly the undercover sort of guy. I still fight when they need one. I was there what they call a special weapon. Not only could I fight but there is a certain magic I could do. I should tell you now. It could control the weather and shoot lightning. I knew you were half demon when I met you. If you are wondering why your uncle raised me is because he was a friend of my father who was a full blood demon. There aren't many left. By now I'm sure you know your father is alive and well. Tell you father hi for me and to take good care of you now since I am gone. In this envelope is a picture of me in my demon form since you didn't get so see it. Those things that you find in this box were things I found for you on my job. Just some trinkets. God I'm going to miss you like crazy. I love you so much. My future child as well. I have to go now. Someone is coming. Yours truly Sora.

I picked up the piece of paper and looked at the picture. "He looks just as good in his demon form. I've never seen this kind in the books though." "Hey Hazel? Do you know what demon he was?" "No I don't." "Dad or uncle do you know." I showed them the picture. I saw Dad and Aiden look at each other. "You mean you don't know Zuri? Your mom never told you?" "What? What do you mean?" "This type of demon that he is we thought was extinct. He may have been the last of his kind. Oh right you may not have your full memories yet. When you do let me know ok?" "I will I promise." Then I put the necklace back in the box and got the book out. "This is another thing I found. This book is the first book I read with him. I have a feeling this key opens up more than just this box." Then I opened the book, it was a little dusty. I looked at the table of contents then found what I was looking for and opened it to the page.


"It looks just like the box I just opened. Its been so long since I looked at this book. Lets see. It says here that that key not only opens the box but can open any magic door or box unless there is a strong magic blocking it. The box shown here is not an ordinary box." Then I stopped there. "What does it mean by the box isn't ordinary? I guess it did say magic doors and boxes." I opened the box back up and didn't see anything different. I touched all around the box then I felt something I didn't see before. "What is this?" I looked under the box and gently laid it on its side. "It's a symbol of some sort." Said Kade. "Yeah but what is it a symbol of?" Then I had a flashback and jerked back. I held my head because I has having more of them. "Hey Zuri are you ok?" Said Hazel. Then everyone looked at me. I just couldn't understand what they were saying at the moment. My head felt like it was on fire. I felt myself sweating. "Get her to her bed quickly!" said Droll. Then Hazel quickly carried her to her bed.

"Droll what's wrong with her?" "I don't know. It could either have something to do with the box or the symbol. My guess is that her memories are coming back at once and that is dangerous. Especially what she remembers." "What do you mean?" "You'll know soon enough"


Still in pain, Zuri had her yes closed but was groaning in pain. "Is there anything we can do?" Said Ben. "There is but she will be mad. I can use my power. Do it then. I'd rather her be mad then be in pain!" "Ok then. Here we go." "Wait! What exactly is going to happen to her? Is she going to be alright?" said Hazel. "Sigh. There is a side affect to it. I used the same thing when I tried to protect my wife and son you Kade." "Wait a minute. Does that mean she can be demon forever?" said Kade. "Yes but at least she would be healed. All demons have a fast-healing rate." "I see. Sigh. Lets wait a little longer. I don't like seeing her in pain but I don't want to take her choice away either." Said Hazel. "I understand." Then she was finally calming down.


"When does one usually waken once there memory is fully back from getting it all at once?" Said Hazel. "It would depend on the person and what they remember to how severe it is." "I don't know when she will wake up. Gaining her memories could mean life or death for all of us." Said Droll.