Chapter 15:Untitled

It was daytime in the village. "Hello young lady are you ok?" I heard someone say. I thought about an old friend I can trust. I knew was still alive. Then I looked up and it was him. "Long time no see Zuri." "Yeah likewise." Then he helped me up. "I'm fine. Really. Ow. Just a bruise, nothings broken or sprained." "That's nothing new. So what's up why are you here?" "I have something to hide somewhere, where no one knows where to look not even you." "I understand. If that's the case it must be dangerous." "Yeah it is. So it was nice talking to you but I gotta go for now. I'll stop by your place sometime ok? Oh I need to tell you something before I do this. Um. You see I recently found out I am a demon princess." "Wait you're a demon? A Princess?" "Yeah are you freaked out?" "No its actually kind of cool. Can I see your form?" "Yeah hang on a moment. I closed my eyes and had a strong emotion of happiness seeing him again. Then poof I was the demon. "Cool. Nice look. Then he looked around me like he was looking at how an out fit would look on someone. Then I turned back. "Ok enough. Anyway I'd love to stay and chat but I've gotta go." "Sure see you again sometime." "Yeah later." Then I went to find someplace to hide it.


I went into the forest, I found a hidden door in one of trees then I put the bag down took the stuff out and made them look like stone. Only my bloodline would be able to figure out how to get the real thing out. Hopefully not one breaks it. Then I hurried out and the door disappeared. "Good it looks like it was mean there for me. Then I was being dragged back like Vince said. I couldn't stop what was happening. Luckily barely anyone was on the roads that day. I finally made it back to Vince. "Ow. I gotta work on those landings." "Did you hide it?" "Yeah I also met an old friend. He knows I am a demon princess." "OK is that all you needed from me?" "Actually, is that all I need to know to use the portal?" "Well the next couple times I should go with you until you get used to it, then you can go by yourself ok?" "Yes sir. Well I better get going home. See you later." It was getting really late now. Its probably 11:00 by now. I ran back home.


The next day I was well rested. I went to work to talk to Jim. "Hi Jim. I did what you said. I understand why you asked me that now. I need to destroy it. It's a dangerous material. Why do you even have it?" "You really don't remember me, do you?" "Should I?" He brought me outside and talked to me. Well that's to be expected. Last time I saw you, you were 5 years old. Then I sort of disappeared. Sigh. I was a friend of your mothers. Well I guess you could say I stayed with her for awhile until she passed on then a couple years later when you were 5 I went off. I just got back about 2 years ago to be exact." "Where did you go?" "Oh well don't worry about it for now. I'll tell you sometime. Anyway if you really want to destroy it go ahead. I'll destroy the metal as well." "Good." Then I got dressed and went to work with Zira. Once everyone was gone including my boss, he said I can stay so I did. I made a fire and said, "I apologize sword. I just made you now I have to destroy you. You are a dangerous weapon." Then I threw it into the fire and I felt strange about it. I still watched it burn.


Once I changed and went out, I went into the cool air. "Ahh. Its dark now but it's a nice night. Then I felt something old in my stomach. "What? What happened?" Then I collapsed and blacked out.


Hazel was getting worried that Zuri wasn't back yet. "Droll. She isn't back yet I'm worried." "You two stay here I'll go find her." Said Droll. Then he left and headed toward her work. "Where is that girl?" Then he smelled blood and rushed over. That is when he saw her. "No Zuri! Zuri. Good your still breathing. I gotta get you home!" He ripped his shirt and wrapped it around her wound to try and stop the bleeding. Then he rushed home.


"Hazel! Kade! Its Zuri!" They came rushing. "NO! Zuri!" said Kade. "She's still breathing for now, but she needs help soon or she will die." "Who do we ask?" "I know just the man." He left her with the boys and went to one of his friends houses. "Zade! I need your help now! Its Zuri! She's hurt pretty bad!" "What? Zuri! Zate come with me!" "Yes sir." Then they ran with me. "What happened to her!" said Zade. "I don't know? I found her lying there covered in blood! Looks like she was stabbed by something!" Then they finally made it.


"How is she Hazel?" "She's barely got pulse. Her temperature is falling fast!" "I got some friends here to help!."


(Inside Zuri's head)


"Ow. That really hurt. What the hell happened to me? Where am I?" I looked around and noticed I was in a field. This is a place I haven't seen before. Then I heard a person walking and look toward where I heard it. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me so I rubbed them. Then I opened them and I saw her again. "Grandma? Is that really you?" "Yes my child." I gave her a big hug. "Nice to meet you too. What is your name?" "My name is Zuri grandma. I also have a brother named Kade." "Yes your mother told me about him and meeting you. I'm so sorry Zuri. I'm sure you've been through a lot growing up. Then finding out I left you the dagger, my diary, and the book." "Its ok grandma. I hid them somewhere. Now I guess I'll never use them since I'm dead." "What do you mean dear?" "I'm dead right? That's why I'm here right?" "No dear. Its not your time. They want you to at least live until the war happens if you can. Live your life with your baby boy and a few more. You still have your father and brother if all else fails. Right now you have a good man who cares for you and your son." "Grandma. What shall I do? I don't want to kill anyone if I don't have too." "I know sweetheart. Your remember I didn't want to kill anyone either but I had too. But someone beat me to it." "I know grandma. The first time you were going to kill someone would have been your brother." "Yes it was. Sigh those days were tough. Well at least now I can be with my brother and family here. Your mother as well." "Yeah grandma I know." "Ok well I guess I can stay here until its time for you to go. My brother should be here soon too. Oh here he is." "Hello brother." "Oh there you are sister." "This must be the granddaughter." "Hello there Zuri." "Hey great uncle. I'm sorry about how you died." "Oh don't worry about it. I told my sister I had someone do this to me cause I knew she would do it if they didn't." "You really did care for your sister didn't you?" "Yeah well." "Ok well looks like you have about a couple hours left before you have to head back. Mind if I join the reunion?" "No of course not. Your family too." "Thanks Zuri."


(In reality)


"We did all we could for her. We were barely were able to save her. We almost lost her. Now tonight would be the worst of it. If she survives through the night she should be fine." "Thanks guys. You are lifesavers." "Hey we're friends no need to thank us. We helped look after her when we are here too." "Yeah she told me all about it." "Why don't' you guys stay?" said Hazel. "We got two couches here that turn to beds." "Yeah I think we'll do that. Thanks Hazel." Then Hazel got things ready, then they said goodnight since it was late.


Hazel pulled up a chair and stayed beside Zuri since this night would be the worst. Kade went inside too. "Hazel? Can I come in too?" "Yeah sure. You can hold her other hand."


That night they heard her groaning. They woke up. Squeezed her hand, Hazel said, "Hang in there Zuri. You've got a little baby boy waiting for his mommy to wake up. I'm waiting for you too. Kade's here too." "Hey sis. Its Kade. Hang in there. You have to see me grow into a man remember? You wanted to see what kind of man I would turn out to be so I you have to survive. We just found each other. Mom won't forgive you if you leave now. I won't forgive you." Then she groaned even more from the pain and she had a bad fever. Kade went out and told them. They ran in and felt her head. "Yeah its bad. Let me see the wound." "Damn looks like wound is infected. Its normal for wounds to be infected. I need you two leave for a few minutes." "Yeah sure." Then they both left.


"Ok lets cut the puss and put the medicine on the wound. Good now hopefully this medicine will work. It's the strongest we have." "Yeah it should. It almost always works." Then Zade gave her a shot for her fever. "Ok everything should be fine now. Lets get cleaned up." He let the boys know it was ok to come back in and that she should be fine now. "Thanks guys." Then they went in and held her hand again. All they could do was pray that she would be ok. They noticed her face scrunching like she was having a bad dream. "Its ok Zuri. Me and Kade are here. Shh. Its ok. Your baby and everyone is safe." Then she calmed down once Hazel rubbed her hair.


The next morning Zuri was still breathing. She made it through the worst. Now they had to wait until she woke up. It was around dinner time when she was about to. Kade went inside and saw she was waking up. He ran to tell everyone. Dad stayed in the kitchen to fix dinner. Zade and Zate went in to see how she was.


"How are you feeling Zuri?" said Zade. "Oh its you two. You must have been the ones that healed me. Thanks. Who found me?" "Dad did. He went out to look since Hazel was worried. Then dad went looking and found you close to your work. Then he came in with you all bloody. He knew just who to get and they did what they could. They said last night was the worst. You've been asleep for 24 hours." Said Hazel. "A whole day huh? Not too bad." I said. "How are you feeling?" said Zade. "Uh a little sore. I need to sit up. Can someone help me up?" Zade and Zate helped her gently. "Ah that hurts. I remember just breathing in fresh air after I stayed late at work after everyone left since I had something to do there, then I went out after I was done and breathed in fresh air. That is when I felt something cold pierce my stomach. I didn't see who it was. They were behind me. it went through my back and came out my stomach. Anyway before that I have to tell you all something." Then dad came in to tell us dinner was done. "Let me tell you all this first. Dad you need to hear this too. That Ori metal is dangerous. That's what I did last night. I melted the sword and the rest of what they had of the metal. I think someone found out and that is why they hurt me. Also when I melted the sword…Argh. Pant pant." "Take it easy. Rest." Said Zade. "No you all need to know since I don't understand it myself. When I melted the sword and told it that I was sorry for destroying it after I just made it, I felt strange. I don't know what it was. Was it a connection to weapons in general? Or was it a connection to the metal. When I burned just the metal I didn't feel anything. It was only when I burned the sword."