I was awakened soaking with sweat and perspiration. I have forgotten to close the windows and didn't even turn on the air condition the night before, because of being totally preoccupied with thoughts about the attic. It stupidly slipped my mind that I ended up damp from head to foot. I removed the blanket covering myself and swiftly stood up, making my way towards the window. 

The morning was radiantly striking as the sun shines luminously and bright. It casted warm rays that slightly blinded my still groggy eyes. The golden light bathed the room, making the atmosphere steamy and airless. Up above, the vast sky was vivid blue. It was cloudless and beautiful, creating a picturesque display of a lovely day ahead. 

Without thinking twice, I headed to the bathroom and leisurely took a bath to relieve myself. After washing and wearing a comfortable sundress, I stormed out of my room and into the kitchen. A servant was busily preparing something and she didn't notice my presence. The aroma of whatever she is cooking made my stomach growl, which made her head turn around. 

"Good day, Mrs. Levine. Do you want a sandwich and coffee? I'm almost done cooking your lunch." 

'Lunch? Was it lunch time already? How long did I sleep?'

"Coffee would be fine, thank you" I acknowledged before settling at a stool in front of the center countertop. "What time is it by the way?" 

"It's a quarter before twelve, Mam" She replied promptly before pouring a steaming coffee in a mug then slowly handing it to me afterwards. 

'My mind must have been so restless last night that it made me sleep longer than usual.'

"Where's Ga… I mean, my husband?" 

The title itself sends a sour aftertaste in my throat. I could feel bitterness spreading inside my mouth, not because of the coffee that I had just tasted, but merely for the reason of the unwanted word that I stated. I'm not accustomed to calling Gabriel my husband and don't have any plans of doing so, but for the sake of not inflicting any commotion and further thinking from the people inside this household, a few seconds of being decent wouldn't hurt. 

"Mr. Levine left early for work today, Mam. He didn't even manage to have a proper breakfast, just a cup of coffee before he sets off." 

'Mmm… Gabriel's not around. What a perfect timing to finally execute my plan of venturing into the attic. The servants are seldom at the third level, so there would be less of a chance that someone will catch me sneaking. I guess it was a perfect day after all.' I smiled at myself as I hurriedly empty my mug. 

"I'll have lunch later. I'll just go down when I'm hungry. No need to call me either." 

With much anticipation going on inside of me right now, the excitement and the thrilling sensation of what I would be discovering, I swiftly leave the kitchen without saying another word. 

As I began my adventure and walked composedly towards the third level, I could barely hear my heart as it radically thump inside my chest. The feeling of getting caught makes every part of my body sweaty. I could feel tension rising as I drew near the door that would lead me to the attic. 

There's a portion inside my brain dictating me not to pursue whatever I was planning to do, but a much greater part of me was itching to behold what's behind that closed door. Curiosity is killing me. It made my mind restless yesterday so there is no backing out now. I must know. I need to know. And I will not let second thoughts ruin this opportunity that I knew only comes once in a lifetime. 

I was about to hold the knob to open the mysterious attic, when out of the blue, a vigorous and fearsome sound echoed loudly, resonating across the entire level that made me jolted and jumped off my feet. 

"WHAT THE FUCK!" He articulated with ferocity, making known his presence as clear as crystals. 

"Oh shit! Dammit!" I murmured underneath my breath.

I forcefully shut my eyes and cursed even more inside my head. I tried to even my breathing before slowly placing my hand back to my side and waited for the beast to unleash his venomous wrath on me. 

"I can't believe this! You defied me yet again!" He barked savagely. I could hear his heavy footsteps as he walked towards where I motionlessly stood, feeling a force of rock solid anger drawing closer to me.

"Here we go again. So close yet so far, Angelou" I mockingly told myself as I boldly turned around, facing Satan himself and in the flesh.

"What did I tell you? Didn't I prohibit you yesterday not to even get close to this door? Didn't I? But what? You defied me again! What's with you, Angelou? I don't get it!" He spat the minute we came face to face. 

I couldn't remove my eyes from his face. This was the very first time I saw him like this. His temper sparked anger within him, as his fury sprang to life like a vortex swirling inside of him and then erupted uncontrollably. His eyes were like molten lava, smoldering and flowing with resentment. His jawbones were contracting like any minute he would break them apart. The veins on his temples and neck were bulging madly like they would snap any minute soon. I could vividly see through him, his rage ran red through his brain. 

'What could have been up there that he was this severely out of control about?'

"Gabriel… I…" 


"I'm sorry" I uttered apologetically.

Those two words shocked the hell out of him. His eyes were the ones that started to mellow down from its burning fury. From its ferociousness, which slowly subsided, and was replaced with confusion and question marks. 

"You what?" He asked again, but this time the angry tone was gone. 

I swallowed the lump in my throat before answering. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to invade your privacy. I admit I was wrong for attempting to know what's up there, even if you already warned me not to. I'm only human and curiosity gets the best of me. I made a mistake and I apologize. I'm sorry, I will never do it again." 

He stared at me with dubiousness. It shows clearly in his eyes that he was having a hard time absorbing everything that I just said. He continued to stare at me, seizing me as he examined the truthfulness of my words. After minutes of silence, his voice cracked unevenly. 

"Angelou… Listen to me" He confided calmly, which made my body relaxed and a bit at ease. "Both of us are aware of our indifferences and our boundaries. I am not invading your privacy, and I don't have any plans in the future as well. So if it isn't much to ask from you, kindly respect my privacy as well. You are free to go elsewhere inside this domain except the attic, my study room and also the master's bedroom, because they are my private places. Don't go anywhere near my confined space. That way, we could lessen our clashes and both be at peace. Do you understand? Am I clear now?" 

"I understand. I am deeply sorry. It will not happen again" 

With that, I quickly marched away from him. Hurrying my pace before he can even return to his beasty attitude. The minute I entered my room and made sure I locked the door, my lungs released heavy breaths that I wasn't aware I was holding back earlier. After drinking a glassful of water, I sat at the edge of my bed before a victorious smile slowly flashes at the corners of my lips. 

'Way to go, Angelou! I thought you've lost your acting skills in college with years of not being able to practice it. But you still have it, girl. You are still the drama queen after all, and I am so proud of you! You made Gabriel believe that you were sincere with your apology to him. You got him straight where you want him to be. If Gabriel only knew that you did that on purpose, so as to distract him. If he only knew that you acted your way on him to prevent him from harming you, which is not impossible with the intensity of his rage against you earlier, he would probably go lunatically mad at you. Well, bad for him.' 

I shake my head with disbelief at the achievement I successfully made, as low laughter filled my room. I am happy with this little success I had today. At least I got even with Gabriel, who made a fool of himself. 

As for the mysterious attic, there would always be another day to accomplish my objective. I may have failed today, but there is always a next time waiting for me to come out victorious. And when that time comes, I will make sure I will get to the top and discover the truth of what lies behind that closed door.