When I heard every word he stated, I literally felt odd. Something inside of me was having a pretty hard time figuring and weighing the truthfulness he just uttered. Nobody except the two of us here, and his father, knew the real score of our relationship. So I can't calculate if he was simply acting or was it really for real.

My mind was like a room filled with scattered papers everywhere, everything was strewn and without order, a total mess. I can't make up what I feel, all these emotions, as if they were leaves caught up in a disastrous storm. My thoughts run wild like a runaway train, unable to find ways on how to stop it. 

'Who are you kidding, Angelou? Of course it was just an act. He said it himself earlier, right? That both of you should act as a happy and hopelessly in love couple in front of his aunt and her family. So don't confuse yourself simply because he addressed you sweetly and mentioned sweet nothings to you. These are all part of his act, none of what he did nor said were real.' 

"Aww… That's so sweet of you, Gabriel. You two seemed like you both needed some privacy. Well hold your horses, dear nephew, you can have Angelou all by yourself when you reach your love nest" Aunt Felicity teasingly commented, which put laughter in almost everyone's lips. 

"You're embarrassing my gorgeous wife, Aunt Felicity. Angelou wasn't the type of woman who is open-minded when it comes to vulgarity of private moments." 

"Well, happy birthday again, my dear daughter-in-law. Now, let's dine before the food gets cold" Mr. Levine shifts the topic that made me thankful for him. Perhaps he saw how uneasy I was with the situation and being in the spotlight. 

Finally, everyone deals with their own businesses and starts eating. I disregarded Gabriel's sweet gestures, putting food on my plate and assisting me, and just focused on the matters at hand. After dining, everyone settled into the living room once again for an after dinner tea. 

The night went well, except for the humiliating scene in the dining room, as Gabriel and I bid our farewells. After exchanging pleasantries and chatting for the last time, we headed off. The trip back was awkwardly silent. None of us broke the cloudy silence between us, which I'd rather prefer, because I don't wish to converse with him not after what happened at the mansion. 

Once back in my temporary shelter, I hastily headed to my room without a single word. I didn't even bother to go to the kitchen to continue what I left behind earlier. After taking a quick shower and ensuring myself spotless and clean, I walked to bed and climbed up. 

I don't intend to reminisce about all that happened at the Levine mansion, leaving every thought at the back of my head. As I closed my eyes and drowsed myself to sleep. 


It's an hour after midnight, yet here I am fully awake and wasn't able to rest. I couldn't drive myself to sleep nor even to take a short nap. My mind keeps going back to the scene in the dining room. Although I tried my best to neglect it and dismiss all the details inside my head, still, everything flashes back vividly. 

I wasn't expecting the words that came out from my mouth earlier. I know that it made Angelou somehow bewildered, judging by the way her eyes became demented and deranged, but she wasn't the only one who felt that. Although I am much better at hiding feelings than her. 

Right until this very moment, I could still feel at loss with my own thoughts. There are lots of things entering inside my head and I can't seem to choose what to think first. It was like a tornado spinning wildly and out of way, creating a mental storm that left me disoriented and baffled. I am in an emotional whirlwind where chaos unleashed several feelings, swirling together but without any concrete direction. 

I blamed myself for being so reckless and impulsive, which I had never been, since after I reconstructed the better version of me. Though I kept on reminding myself that what I did the night after was all part of an act, a show-off just for the sake of the viewers, yet still I can't push myself to believe it. 

Dawn is almost nearing. And since sleep never visited me, not even a minute, I decided to prepare for work earlier than usual. I left home and arrived at Levine Empire an hour ahead of my normal schedule that shocked not only my assistant, but everyone who saw me. 

As I settled on my executive desk, Emma promptly delivered my routined coffee before running through my day's itineraries. But even before she could make her way back to her personal desk, unaccustomed words slipped my lips sooner than intended. 

"Have a bouquet of flowers delivered to my home this morning. I want it at my doorstep before nine." 

I was waiting for her reply, but I didn't hear any, so my head tilted up and saw her gawking at me with disbelief. Her eyes bore a mixture of confusion and shock. I stared back at her with sharp eyes as my eyebrow arched. My expression made her blink several times and questions automatically spilled out from her mouth with reverence. 


"Any specific flower in mind, Sir?" 

Her question made me pause, as I think of flowers that Angelou might like. It took me almost half an hour thinking but I couldn't seem to choose an appropriate flower that would delight her as my late birthday gift. 

'Really now, Gabriel? Flowers? For Angelou? A gift for her birthday? When was the last time you gave someone flowers? The last time I checked was way back during your college days, during the time you secretly sent Angelou bouquets after bouquets that she never once appreciated. Have you decided to have a change of heart all of a sudden? Are you planning not to pursue revenge on her? Was this because of what happened last night?' My inner self bombarded me with questions that I don't intend to answer back. 

"What is June's birth flower?" I absent-mindedly ask. 

"I'll search for it right away, Sir." 

Delighted with her answer, I quickly nodded. "Alright. Have it sent right away." 

"Is there any notes you would like to add with it, Sir?" 

This made me think again. It took me minutes before I could finally form a note inside my head. 

"Write this down" She did what was told. "Belated happy birthday. It's better late than never. Then put my initials as the sender." 

"Anything else, Sir?" 

"Nothing else. Inform me once it has been delivered." 

"I'll keep you posted, Sir." 

I reviewed what I did the minute Emma went out. Although this move I made was way far from my plan of revenge, it still justifies the mere purpose of why I did it. It was her birthday after all. Every birthday celebrant deserves to be happy, even for just a day. And a few minutes of being out of my game zone wouldn't destroy my entire objective. I am still with my plans of revenge, but for the time being, we both need to take a day break.