Chapter 89: Li Gousheng's Extraordinary Encounter as a Gatekeeper, Strange Tales from Longjiang Prefecture

Yi Chen lifted his head and gazed into the distance, where a colossal city wall rising over twenty-five meters high towered above the horizon, appearing incredibly majestic.

The three massive gilded characters for Longjiang Prefecture shone even more brilliantly under the sunlight, exuding an impressive aura.

Some are outdone by others, and some goods are so inferior they should be thrown away.

Big cities are indeed different; even their walls are taller than others', an imposing sight!

Compared to Longjiang Prefecture, Ping'an County is practically indistinguishable from the countryside.

As for Fengyun County, there's even less to say.

Pure cattle and horses.

Yi Chen rubbed his hands together, seemingly lost in thought, and then strode forward with determination, with Little Miao carrying the luggage and closely following behind him.



Li Gousheng's life as a gatekeeper was quite ideal.

Forty years ago, his grandfather had been a gatekeeper in Longjiang Prefecture.