Chapter 93: The Etiquette of Benevolence, Who is Yi Chengzi, Really Unfamiliar.

Almost instantly, Hei Sanlang stopped fanning himself, and with a burst of black corpse energy, he blasted his feather fan into a sky full of flying feathers.

Furiously, he then tore off the blue scarf from his head and threw it viciously to the ground.

At this moment, even the moon seemed green in his eyes.

A roar of rage exploded between heaven and earth!

"Taoist, what kind of Dao are you cultivating, damn it!"

"I'm going to kill you!"

Hei Sanlang's body vibrated with corpse energy, turning into a black arc of light as he attacked Yi Chen, trailing a thick black flame tail, his momentum terrifying.

If he didn't avenge this, what face would he, Mingyan Corpse Hei Sanlang, have to stand in Yin Mountain Prefecture?

In the blink of an eye, fists and palms clashed.

Mingyan Corpse Hei Sanlang was sent flying dozens of meters back by Yi Chen's punch, sparking a trail of fire.

"Good! Good! Good!"