Chapter 104: Midnight Secret Talk, Murderous Intent Lurks.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

"There's no need to bring this up again, fellow Daoist Qian," Yi Chen refused without a second thought.

His decision to agree to Qian Yueru's request to guard Longjiang Prefecture was merely a matter of convenience.

Never one to be bound by others' constraints, he would never again join any other power.

"Eh, I just knew it would be like this," Qian Yueru's face fell, momentarily wilted like a frost-stricken eggplant.

As the saying goes, it's easy to recruit an army, but difficult to find a good general.

Who could refuse a subordinate both capable and smart?

If she could win over Yi Chen, think of all the trouble she could save.

With a light sigh, Qian Yueru began walking down the streets of the other districts, carrying her Bagua Xuanhua Axe on her back.