Chapter 120: Causes, Consequences, The Old Official, The Corpse Monster Splits in Two

Nearly twenty days ago, at noon.

Yao Guan Crossing, by the banks of the Wujang River, the sound of gongs and drums filled the air, creating quite a lively atmosphere.

Today was the annual boat race at Yao Guan Crossing, and it was also a significant day for honoring the ancestors who had come to this land.

Many sturdy youths, shirtless, were seated in boats, ready to spring into action, while on the riverbank, numerous young women and wives, adorned with rouge and powdered faces, wearing waist drums, cheered on the strong men.

"Elder leader, you're of considerable age now, yet you still compete with us young blokes," Gou Wazi joked with the elder leader as he warmed up by the riverbank. "How about we find you a wife so you can go home and retire."

"Get lost, Gou Wazi, you can't spit anything good out of that dog mouth of yours. Just make sure you row your boat well and don't lose to this old coot," the elder leader replied irritably.