Chapter 135 I already know your trump card.

Ma Tianyuan gritted his teeth and tossed in another wave of chips.

Yi Chen stared deeply at Kong Xiang and Ma Tianyuan for a long while, pondering before finally giving a slow nod of agreement.

"I want the goods first."


Immediately after, Ma Tianyuan handed over a major pill and a True Yang Breakthrough Talisman to Yi Chen and also revealed the first piece of information about Yin Manor.

"Those who possess the Yin Manor mark have their own tablet in the Spirit Hall. Mark holders who kill one another can obtain the remaining time of the mark bearer they killed, thereby delaying the next trial of Yin Manor."

"Additionally, Taoist might want to conceal your own Yin Manor mark well. Those who've seen the mark can perceive that unique, faint aura belonging to Yin Manor when they see your mark," Ma Tianyuan said somberly.