A thought crossed Yi Chen's mind, and once again, he slowly began to absorb the flames inside the Earth Core Furnace.
Two and a half days flashed by in the blink of an eye.
With his Cultivation Body fully restored, Yi Chen, with a dark expression, walked out of the Demon Soldier Workshop.
Damn it, half a day left and the Demon Soldier Workshop refused to refund—the order in such a place really was collapsing, brazenly scamming money even from Yi Chengzi.
Strolling through Youcheng, Yi Chen's eyes widened yet again, as he gleaned a deeper understanding of the cultural environment in the Demon Realm while looking at the dim eyes of the demonkin slaves.
Yi Chen even saw a powerful green-headed demonkin selling a delicacy called "March Squeal."
According to the demonkin, "March Squeal" involved eviscerating the young of the Red-Scaled Serpent Demon, taking out their gallbladders to mix with alcohol.