Chapter 30 Dai Lin's Past

Tang Li even raised her hands, aiming at Dai Lin, ready to attack at any moment.

Mei Quzhen, who had just been in a Malevolent Ghost state without self-awareness, was stunned by the scene.

However, as soon as Dai Lin realized it was after nine o'clock, he became immediately overjoyed!

The patient had survived!

And he thought it was Director Mei's merit.

Tang Li then ran over to Mei Quzhen at lightning speed, asking with a terrified face, "Director Mei, what on earth is inside that box?"

Mei Quzhen shook his head, saying, "I don't know; Deputy Director Yin gave it to me. He also warned me not to open the box unless absolutely necessary."

"Deputy Director Yin?"

Tang Li hid behind Mei Quzhen, watching Dai Lin.

She remembered very clearly the expression in Dai Lin's left eye just now.

That was not Dai Lin! That definitely couldn't be Dai Lin!

"What exactly happened?" Mei Quzhen pressed, "Did the box get opened just now?"