Chapter 23 The Magic of the Wardrobe

Dai Lin never expected Fang Zhou to volunteer so readily.

"Doctor Fang..." Dai Lin hurriedly said, "Think it over carefully!"

This was, after all, the same magic trick that made Alice Chen disappear with Edward years ago!

"If I don't go, an innocent might come to harm," Fang Zhou spoke with an ease in his expression, "Don't worry; I'm the deputy director of the Department of Fierce Spirits. Do you really think I'll be in danger that easily?"

"Yes, yes of course..."

Compared with Dai Lin, who had just become a resident doctor, Fang Zhou, as deputy director of the department, was clearly more suitable to try this magic trick.

"Doctor Dai, watch closely with your eyes wide open."

"I will watch carefully."

Dai Lin's eyes widened as he sat up straight and alert.

"Oh, since this brave gentleman has volunteered, does anyone have any objections?"

The majority of the audience indicated no significant objections.

"All right, it'll be you, then."