Chapter 27: Drawing Out Evil Spirits

"Miss Pan, are you sure you don't want to be hospitalized? It would be better for you to stay in the hospital right now."

But clearly, Pan Yizhen was still hesitant.

"I've asked the doctors. They said there isn't a current indication for hospitalization."

Dai Lin sighed inwardly. Whether a patient was to be hospitalized should be judged by the attending physician, not a decision that he, as a resident, could make.

In fact, the Emergency Department hadn't planned to admit Dai Ming, because the preliminary examination didn't reveal any conditions that necessitated hospitalization.

"Well then, Miss Pan, just to be on the safe side, I'll prescribe you a charm prescription. If you have a charm with you, you can be somewhat safer. If you encounter an emergency situation, call for emergency services immediately. If you call for emergency services, the ambulance will arrive swiftly to save you, guaranteeing to be faster than if you called the police."

"Alright then."