Chapter 43 The "Person

"What's going on?"

"The candle, the candle went out!"

"Hurry, hurry and relight the candle, quick!"

Being plunged into pitch darkness, where one cannot see one's own hand in front of them, is a terrifying event for anyone, let alone for Dai Wei and the rest at this moment.

Dai Wei's legs were almost giving out on him from fear, and he could only bolster his courage by speaking.

"Uncle Li! Uncle Li! Are you there? Uncle Li!"

"I'm here, Dai Wei!"

"Who has matches? Weren't there a matchbox on the table earlier?"

"Li Jun, you son of a bitch, it's all your fault for flipping the table earlier!"

"Stop talking, hurry, find the matches!"

Dai Wei instinctively reached out his hand and then grabbed a hand.

"Who's this? Who is it?"

But Dai Wei's voice was drowned out by the noisy voices inside the house, as everyone was talking loudly to drive away the fear in their hearts.

"Listen to me, everyone, look for the matchbox on the floor!"

"Hurry up and find the matches! Find them!"