Chapter 21: The Truth from Over 30 Years Ago

Dai Lin had inquired about many things regarding Han Ming.

One of the main reasons he rose to prominence in the hospital back then was because of his trip to America about thirty years ago.

At that time, he was a part of the faction of the then Executive Deputy Dean.

Back then, the Administrative Deputy Dean was Lu Yuan. And the faction of Han Ming's Executive Deputy Dean was absolutely the weaker side; within the entire hospital, only a minority of doctors belonged to the Executive Deputy Dean's faction. Over eighty percent of the doctors were loyal followers of Deputy Dean Lu Yuan.

"When I sent you to the Sunset Building to retrieve Liang Zhigao's cursed item, I mentioned it to you, didn't I? In 1995, I was assigned to the northeast of America to attempt to capture a devil."

"Indeed, you did mention it at the time," Dai Lin clearly remembered this matter.