Chapter 28: Doppelganger

Dai Wei felt increasingly that the name Dai Lin was extremely familiar.

This name kept swirling in his mind, to the point where he thought his head was going to split open.

All the things he had been through since childhood...

His father, mother, sister...

The village of Nanmian, shrouded in the White Mist...

Uncle Li, who had brought him into the hospital...

"It's impossible, it can't be possible. Are my parents, my sister, the villagers of Nanmian, and Uncle Li all deceiving me?"

"Uncle Li, you're talking about Li Dongshan, right? Well... let me explain in order to you. I will tell you what the Faust Family would never tell you."


Dai Lin ordered another bowl of noodles for Gao Heyann.

"I'd like to ask you another question about your sister."

"What question?"

"She... that is, during the incident with Ouyang Rui, she was found unconscious in his home, right?"