Chapter 26 Diagnosis and Treatment

Dai Lin at this moment felt his brain had crashed.


Dai Lin came here to take part in the professional title examination. His goal was to become a senior titled doctor so that afterwards, he could open a specialist clinic and be the lead surgeon for operations.

However, becoming the deputy dean was, in principle, generally a position where one of the three deputy deans would be recommended and appointed from among the department heads. Of course, the Curse Affairs Deputy Dean was an exception, traditionally being served concurrently by the head of the Curse Goods department. It was already a defiance of the heavens that he, a doctor who had not been a chief physician for long, was taking the senior professional title examination, and now, with a triple jump in rank, he had turned into... a deputy dean???

And moreover, the executive deputy dean?

What about Han Ming? What does that make Han Ming?