Chapter 11 Milan

"Who cares," Jack said, pinching the playing cards in his hand. "Let's just focus on our poker game."

"Jack," Bob passed him another cigarette and said, "did you pop pills again today? You seem pretty hyped."

"What? Why do you ask?"

"If there's new stuff, share some with me. After all, recreational marijuana is now legal in Virginia."

Including the capital, Washington, adults carrying small amounts of marijuana were now completely legal. This was like a blessing for addicts. With marijuana legalization, the price of cannabis on the market had naturally plummeted and became "good quality for a low price."

"I don't think that's a good idea," another companion, Jason, interjected. "There are kids in this car; your voices are way too loud."

"So what?" Jack lit up the cigarette and said, "It's normal for kids to get high at this time."

At this point, Jack suddenly pulled out a cigarette from his pocket.

"Jason, you want one? It's on me."

It was clear...