Chapter 141 What is Joyful Cultivation_2

Li Dazhi spoke indifferently:

"Then let's take this opportunity to release news that the land rents in various parts of Dong'an City will not increase, and there will be promotions such as ten years free for every hundred years paid later."


Weiyanzi bowed and scurried away.

Some elders teased, "Apprentice Uncle Dazhi is still keeping his integrity."

"Hey," Li Dazhi smiled with his eyes narrowed, "I'm just an old hand at this, after all. Pursuit of longevity is our true desire, letting our families' disciples reach their talent's limit in the Dao Realm is the real driving force behind why we discuss these worldly matters."

The elders showed due respect.

Having dealt with Li Dazhi for a long time, they started to pick up some terms they had been unfamiliar with.

Terms like shares, dividends, profit points, promotions, and so on.

But the more they learned, the more they realized that the 'knowledge' of the Grand Wealth Immortal was unfathomably deep.