Chapter 16

"Don't ease up, Remi-san, use your skull blade now"

"Coming right up, make me a path"

"Damn it, this boss is the hardest I've ever fought in my life" Senku complained. Their fingers were hitting keys really fast and there was a lot *clack* sounds in the cafe.

"Don't ease up or we'll lose. Yuki what are you waiting for? Use your missiles to blind it"

"Aye aye leader"

"The boss is weak. Remi-san, finish it off"

"Wouldn't your unique skill be good for that?"

"If you don't do it it's going to regenerate then all our work would have been for nothing"

"What move should I use, my skills don't pack too much of a punch"

"Use the reaper's pact. Quickly!"

"Ok here I go"


"Oi Kenji how are you so good at the game? We defeated that boss far more easily than I thought we would"

"I don't know. I guess I'm just good"

"Isn't your driver coming to pick you up?" Yuki asked.

"No, I told him not to bother"

"Are you sure you can go home by yourself? Won't you get lost?" Remi said.

"Huh?! What do you mean?"

"Well what she means always move around in a car so-"

"So you all stereotype rich kids huh? You think I can't go around on my own. For your information I don't live with my mom and I am very familiar with all the roads of Tokyo, there's no way I can get lost"

"We were just saying. But do you really not live with your mom"

" When people see me they don't know I am 'The Yasuda Kenji' an di so love it that way. The life of the rich is the worst. There's always something on your schedule every hour you're awake and it's like there's no time for anything". Kenji said"I don't live with my mom because I can't keep going through that everyday "

"So you've got like your own house?"

"Yeah it's my vacation house, I live there with Keiko-san and some other workers"

"And you say the life of the rich is the worst"

"That must be the best"

"If we move Keiko-san out of the picture then yes, it is"

"Ichihara-san can you get home on your own? It's kinda dark"

"Don't worry about me I'll be fine"

"Nah, you came with us so we should ensure your safety at least"

"I need to tell you guys something". Kenji said.

"What is it? Are you and Sakura getting back together?" Senku asked.

"Your guess is way off"

"If it isn't that then what do you want to say?"

"After tomorrow I might start out as one of the elites just like Sakura"

"You're joking right?" Senku giggled. "Good one". They were all quiet a bit and Senku turned to him. "Wait, seriously?"

"Yeah, it was kinda sudden"

"No way, we've only known you for a few days but you're already leaving us..."

"What are you saying?"

"You're gonna abandon us..."

"No I won't"

"Kenji has betrayed us- wait seriously ?"

Kenji sighed "To be honest, you guys are the only friends I've ever had besides Sakura. When you guys started talking to me and when you asked for my number this morning, I thought I finally made some friends and that's not something I would wanna throw away so easily. I'll stay with you guys if you're willing to stay friends with me". Kenji stretched out his hands for handshakes and looked with longing eyes for them to receive them but Senku suddenly had a disgusted look on his face.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Is that supposed to be a handshake?" Yuki ased "What for?"

"Um, sorry nothing"

"Sometimes you can be really cool and sometimes just weird. We're already friends somewhat was that for"

"O sorry Ichihara-san did we make you feel left out?" Yuki said when he remembered that she was still there with them. She wasn't really paying attention to the the things they were saying.

"No not at all"

"We should quit the chit chat and all get home"

"Yeah it's really dark right now"

"You two can go home, I'll go with Ichihara-san " Kenji offered.

"I guess we don't need to worry about her safety anymore. We'll head home then, bye"

"See ya"

"I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye "

The group divided into two and the two boys left Kenji alone with Remi. Kenji kept waving until they disappeared around a corner and he was completely alone with Remi on the street. He turned to her with a smile and stepped back

"Shall we go, Ichihara-san?"

"Of course, let's..."

It was a really quiet walk. Both of them kept a bit of a distance from each other with Remi on front leading the way. To be precise it was Remi who kept a distance from him, Kenji noticed but decided to not say anything about it since it would be pointless. The silence was really deafening especially when they got Remi's neighborhood so Kenji decided to break it.

"Ichihara-san, how far away is your home"

"We're here already"


"Yes, that's my home over there" When she replied Remi pointed to the only duplex on the street. It was blue in color and had nice lighting around it which made it look real nice in the darkness of the night. There were hedges which stood just outside the fence surrounding the house. It looked nice.

"Yasuda-san you should go home now, I'll be fine. Thank you for today"

"Oh, no, you don't need to thank me. I did nothing"

"But thanks to you I had fun today so once again thank you"

"Ha it was nothing"

"I really need to go now because my parents may start to worry, especially my mom. I'll see you tomorrow I guess"

"Ok then bye. See you at school tomorrow "

"But Yasuda-san, do you know your way? You could..." Remi paused kept her mouth shut just as was about to say something she would regret.

"Don't worry about me Ichihara-san I'll be fine"

"W-well then, goodnight "

Remi turned around and walked away from Kenji, toward her house but Kenji stood there watching her leave. It was only out of his goodwill to make sure that she actually got into her house safe and sound but she on the other hand squeezed her left chest knowing that he was still watching her. Nevertheless, she continued taking each step while resisting the urge to look back.

"Stupid Remi what are you thinking?" She whispered to herself.

When she entered the yard Kenji finally turned around and started going to his own house.


It was a tiring day and Kenji was hoping to have a nice hot shower, some dinner and just go to bed but he wasn't sure any of that was going to happen judging by what he could see that was when he got home. 'Oh no tell me this isn't happening. Please tell me I'm dreaming and it's not true'

As Kenji opened the door to his house he entered into the living room and hated what he saw waiting for him. Two maids came to him and attended took his bag, his tie, his shoes, watch and every other thing they could take. While they did all that Kenji's eyes did not leave Tokita Yoshio and Yasuda Saori, his mother, who were sitting in his living room even once. The large number of cars and guards outside the house told him everything but he decided to see for himself hoping he was wrong.

"I'll be damned"

Yoshio was discussing something with his mother and Keiko-san and Kenji couldt hear anything thing he said. Yoshio was talking to his mom about him becoming an elite student in the school but before they decided on anything Kenji interrupted.

"If I'm the focus of the matter don't I also have a say on this? And you-" Kenji turned to face his mom "What the fuck are you doing here?"