Chapter 014: Have Wei Yong come to see me

The Royal Tide Pavilion was magnificently constructed and resplendent in gold, enjoying immense fame in the Jianglin District of Dong'an City.

The reasons for its reputation were twofold: the high-end consumer group and quality of service, and the much-talked-about backing of the Black Wolf Gang after meals and tea.

Chen Yang looked at the row of neatly standing black-clad bouncers at the entrance, each with broad shoulders and fierce eyes—a level of quality not found in ordinary street thugs.

"It seems that the Black Wolf Gang really has some tricks up their sleeves, and the mad dog collecting protection fees at the school must be just a peripheral member."

Chen Yang muttered to himself, parked his bicycle in front of the Royal Tide Pavilion, and said to Yang Xuewei, who had gotten off, "Teacher Yang, the Royal Tide Pavilion is still too dangerous. You should come in with me. If anything happens, I don't know how I could live with myself. I think it's better if you wait for me outside. I'll go in alone and reason with them, and they should listen."

Yang Xuewei gave a wry smile. These were people who opted for bad deeds, so how would they listen to reason?

However, after a moment's thought, she realized that Chen Yang was right. If she stayed outside, she could call the police to save Chen Yang in case of an emergency; but if they both were trapped inside, there would be no escape.

"Okay, I'll wait here for you. If you don't come out in half an hour, I will call the police," Yang Xuewei nodded seriously.

"Don't worry, Teacher Yang. I will apologize to them and talk to them nicely. They shouldn't give me a hard time," Chen Yang assured her.

With a resolute expression, Chen Yang lifted his head and strode towards the Royal Tide Pavilion.

The moment he turned around, his naïve expression changed, and a flash of extreme coldness passed through his eyes.

What a joke. A mere gang from Dong'an City expects "God," the king of soldiers who strikes fear into hearts around the world, to apologize? Impossible.

As for talking nicely, as Chen Yang had mentioned, of course, he would talk nicely—but he always preferred to beat someone up first, then talk nicely afterward.

"Chen Yang, be careful!"

Watching Chen Yang's tall figure, Yang Xuewei advanced a few steps before stopping.

At that moment, she felt that even though Chen Yang was a poor student, he had a sense of justice. Facing danger alone, she admired and felt sorry for him.

Suddenly, she felt a twinge at the tip of her nose and could only pray silently in her heart, "Please let nothing happen to Chen Yang. Otherwise, as his teacher, I'd never find peace in this lifetime."

Under the watchful eyes of a row of black-clad bouncers, Chen Yang walked into the Royal Tide Pavilion as if they weren't there, utterly unconcerned and appearing as if he didn't see them at all.

These black-clad bouncers had noticed Chen Yang long ago. Seeing him ride a broken bicycle, yet carrying an enchantingly beautiful woman, they were envious and hateful, wishing they could go up and give Chen Yang a beating.

Now, seeing Chen Yang ignoring them, their displeasure intensified.

If the Royal Tide Pavilion hadn't been open for business, they would have pounced on Chen Yang right then. Though they observed all the rules, that didn't mean they had no means to deal with Chen Yang.

As a result, the black-clad bouncers split into two lines and quickly approached Chen Yang, maintaining a step's distance, encircling him tightly. They looked menacingly at him, their eyes filled with murderous intent, as if they wanted to devour Chen Yang.

Chen Yang sneered disdainfully. Having been through countless life-and-death moments and encountered masters beyond the comprehension of ordinary people, he found it laughable that these riffraff thought they could intimidate him or block his path. It was truly like a mantis trying to stop a chariot.

He let his aura loose, and a chilling, bone-deep bloody scent enveloped the area, filled with a killing intent.

The black-clad bouncers who had been arrogant just moments before suddenly changed their expressions, instinctively stepped back several paces, opening up a path, and only after Chen Yang entered the Royal Tide Pavilion did they come to their senses, by which time they were already sweating profusely.

Chen Yang entered the Royal Tide Chamber, and a professional-looking, shapely receptionist in a business suit walked over. When she saw Chen Yang, who was dressed plainly, a hint of disdain flashed in her eyes before she curved her lips into a professional smile and said, "Sir, may I ask what you need? If you want to use the restroom, I'm sorry, but our facilities are not for public use."

"Get Wei Yong to see me."

Chen Yang dropped the statement without paying attention to the stunned receptionist. He directly took a seat on the sofa in the lobby, crossed his legs in a relaxed pose, and pulled out a cigarette to smoke.

The receptionist frowned slightly, stepping forward to say, "Sir, are you sure you want to see our boss Wei? To meet him, you need to make an appointment. Besides, if you're here to cause trouble, I'd advise you as a friend that just yesterday, a drunk customer ended up in the hospital. It's said that he won't be able to get out of bed for three months."

Hearing the veiled threat, Chen Yang just smiled and let out a ring of smoke. "Tell Wei Yong that Chen Yang from Dong'an University of Technology is here specifically to see him."

"Hmph, so arrogant, and you're just a student after all."

The receptionist disdainfully fanned away the smoke in the air and walked away with light, graceful steps.

After a while, a man with a thin face and wearing a navy blue suit approached. He had a flat nose.

He looked at Chen Yang, who had not moved from the sofa, and his face showed displeasure. "Are you the college student who beat up the mad dog? Heh, to think you can still sit so comfortably after coming into the Royal Tide Chamber, I don't know whether to admire you or say you're ignorant."

Chen Yang ignored his comment and asked, "Are you Wei Yong?"

"You think you're worthy to see Boss Wei? Hand over the money, then follow me upstairs. Kneel down and apologize to the mad dogs you beat, and then you can get lost..."


Before he could finish speaking, Chen Yang struck like lightning, landing a fierce slap across the man's face.

The flat-nosed man felt the world spinning as his cheek quickly swelled red, blood spewing from his mouth along with two teeth.

The sound of tapping footsteps approached. Seeing Chen Yang hit someone, the security guards of the Royal Tide Chamber all gathered around, more than thirty of them, surrounding him.

Chen Yang remained unmoved, flicked off some ash from his cigarette, and said nonchalantly, "Last chance, get Wei Yong to see me."

"Dammit, causing trouble right in the Black Wolf Gang's territory, are you seeking death!"

"Go, finish him!"

The security guards of the Royal Tide Chamber were all from the Black Wolf Gang. They hadn't seen anyone as brazen as Chen Yang in the Royal Tide Chamber for a long time and were instantly enraged.

As the security guards rushed toward Chen Yang, who was still seated on the sofa, the flat-nosed man, supported by the receptionist, came to his senses and shouted hastily, "Stop, all of you."

The guards stopped, looking puzzled at the flat-nosed man.

Fear filled the flat-nosed man's eyes. During the moment Chen Yang's slap hit him, he felt a strong murderous intent, almost tangible.

He was no stranger to killing, and he had seen his fair share of professional killers, but none of them had a murderous aura as intense as Chen Yang's sudden burst, almost like someone who had emerged from a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood.

"Quick, go get Boss Wei."

The man's voice trembled as he spoke to the receptionist beside him.