Chapter 22 The School Beauty's Wait

After Chen Yang finished his shower and came out, he remembered that there was a nurse tenant named Guan Xi Yue in the courtyard. According to Su Zining, she was a kind and lovely beauty, whom he, as a landlord, had yet to meet.

Originally wanting to build a rapport with his tenants, when he saw that the lights in her room had already gone out, Chen Yang felt too embarrassed to disturb her, fearing that knocking on her door in the middle of the night would seem suspiciously lecherous.

Although Chen Yang liked beautiful women, he was not a lecher.

That night, Chen Yang slept soundly, experiencing a rare peaceful slumber that he hadn't had in years.

It wasn't just because he didn't have to worry about his own safety, but also because his day had been surrounded by beautiful women, which was very relaxing and carefree.

If retirement could always be like this, it would be wonderful.