Chapter 032 Good morning

Wei Yong received the news that Li Hengjiang had been hung outside the window while he was enjoying his happy hour.

Upon hearing this explosive news, he didn't hesitate for a second, hurriedly grabbed his camera, and dashed towards the Jinlin Hotel.

Seeing Li Hengjiang rescued from the window, his face deformed, Wei Yong's mouth twitched with regret as he put away his camera and quickly approached, "Hengjiang... what happened to you?"

"I'm going to kill him, I'm going to kill him!"

Li Hengjiang was fuming, just having been hung outside the window, he endured the most humiliating moment of his life under the mocking gazes of the onlookers below. It felt worse than death.

Seeing that Li Hengjiang had lost some of his senses, Wei Yong calmed him down for a while. When Li Hengjiang's emotions seemed somewhat settled, Wei Yong asked, "What exactly happened, who hung you... dangled you outside?"