Chapter 036 Scaring off the Beauty

Yang Xuewei had also been acting on a whim just now, and since she had her guard down around Chen Yang, she had ended up kissing him.

The moment she heard Chen Yang suggest that she move into his house, she immediately regretted it and hastily explained, "Chen Yang, that kiss was just a teacher's kiss to a student, don't get the wrong idea. After all, we are teacher and student; I couldn't possibly move into your house."

Chen Yang's eyes flickered as he said, "What are you thinking about, Teacher Yang? My house has many rooms, I didn't say you and I would live in the same room, sleep on the same bed, under the same quilt."

Upon hearing Chen Yang's words, Yang Xuewei remembered hearing that Chen Yang was a landlord and realized she had misunderstood, her face turning red to the root of her neck.

But she still tried to maintain her composure, "Chen Yang, you really startled me there, but living at your place would still be inconvenient, I'll just stay at the apartment."