Chapter 039: How is she here?

"Fei ge?" Seeing Chen Yang bring up Ren Fei, Ren Xiaojian paused, his face filling with confusion as he said, "You know Fei ge?"

Chen Yang nodded, with memories flashing through his mind.

He didn't just know Ren Fei, their relationship was extremely close because they had worked together in the same organization for eight years. Ren Fei had always worked under him, and they had both risked their lives on many missions, truly brothers forged in fire and blood.

Later, during an extremely dangerous mission, Ren Fei's leg was injured in an explosion, leaving him crippled, and that's when he left the organization.

Seeing that Chen Yang knew Ren Fei, Ren Xiaojian sighed before continuing, "Two years ago, Fei ge was set up by someone, and since then he has disappeared."

Hearing this, Chen Yang's expression turned angry as he said with a heavy voice, "To dare set up Ren Fei, they must have quite the guts. Who did it?"