Chapter 42 The Snake Has No Limbs

As soon as Chen Yang demanded two hundred thousand, Manager Lu's face turned green. Although he held shares in the bar, his monthly income didn't even reach a hundred thousand. And Lin Rou, just an ordinary waitress, now wanted two hundred thousand in a single day? This wasn't just lion's mouth; it was practically the whole rear end.

"You're extorting me," said Manager Lu, unable to contain himself any longer. He put away the two hundred yuan and pointed at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang smiled calmly, speaking unhurriedly, "Right, I'm extorting you. What are you going to do about it?"


Manager Lu was at a loss for words. He really didn't know what he could do. Call the security to kick out Chen Yang and Lin Rou?

Forget it. The people from Viper were taken out by Chen Yang in a second; he had no illusions that the security guards could fare any better against Chen Yang.

Was he really going to pay the money?