Chapter 054 Peeping Cameras

Seeing Chen Yang kick the iron gate to pieces, the security guard was initially stunned, but then he only heard the head of security curse loudly, "Damn it, you actually dared to break the door! You're not getting away today. Everybody, get him! Beat him first, then talk. I suspect that the peeper the residents have been complaining about recently is very likely this guy."

While giving orders, the head of security shamelessly pinned a peeping charge on Chen Yang.

Following his command, several security guards, wielding their batons, all charged toward Chen Yang with bared teeth and claws, continually hurling abuse.

At this moment, Chen Yang was already irritated. Not only did these security guards view others with bias, but they also framed people recklessly. They must have done similar things before, wronging innocent people.

"A bunch of bandits in security uniforms, daring to lay a finger on me, clueless about death!"