Chapter 061: Begin the Killing Spree

"God hasn't retired!"

Chen Yang silently recited this phrase in his heart, which only meant one thing: today he was going to embark on a killing spree.

As for the consequences, he wasn't going to consider them. With his status and background, killing some trash from the Black Wolf Gang was still something he could smooth over.

At this moment, he decided to release his shackles, and he was getting somewhat excited.

For him, who once killed like scything wheat, the restraint of this period was very uncomfortable. Now, at last, he could vent to his heart's content.

The iron door that was locked from the outside was forcibly yanked open by him, making a clanging noise, resonating particularly sharply in the color-steel structured warehouse.

More than a hundred members of the Black Wolf Gang turned their heads towards him in unison, taken aback.