Chapter 071 The Most Difficult Favor of a Beauty to Accept

An Ning couldn't resist Chen Yang's insistence and poured herself a drink, then signaled to Chen Yang, "This is the only one I'll drink."

Chen Yang laughed, "Don't worry, if you get drunk, I absolutely won't do anything to you. I'll be sure to take you home safe and sound."

"Say what you want, but I'm only drinking one glass," An Ning asserted firmly.

Before long, the boss's dishes arrived, with the first being grilled pig brain.

Upon seeing the twisty folds of the pig brain, An Ning immediately frowned and shook her head, "Chen Yang, you brought me here to eat this? It looks terrifying. Can you even eat this stuff?"

"I've eaten it raw before; it tastes even better cooked," he said.

As he spoke, Chen Yang took a piece and put it into his mouth, chewing with relish and then swallowing it.

Seeing him enjoy it so much, An Ning hesitated before picking up a very small piece and slowly placing it into her mouth.