Chapter 073 Sleepless Night

Looking at the bloody soles of Chen Yang's feet, An Ning's heart thumped violently.

For all these years, she had always acted tough and had never been protected by a man like this, the feeling of being cared for and loved made her feel very peaceful inside.

Seeing Chen Yang with blood on the bottom of his feet, An Ning suddenly felt that this man, in his efforts to protect her, had disregarded his own comfort, and even if he had some abnormal behaviors, she could tolerate them.

As this thought emerged, An Ning herself found it odd, and her cheeks flushed deep red, like a juicy peach.

But when she looked up at Chen Yang, her expression immediately changed.

She saw Chen Yang's gaze fixed on her, wearing a naughty smile, almost drooling.

An Ning hurriedly looked down and realized that in the chaos just now, her shirt had been torn off to one side.

"Bastard, don't look."