Chapter 83 I'm Here to Collect a Debt

Looking at the long knives scattered on the ground, as well as the two crossbows among them, Li Jilin's eyes were filled with terror. He hurriedly grabbed the walkie-talkie on the sofa, "Ah Long, Ah Long... Yang Jin, Yang Jin... Xiao He, Gui Zai..."

He called several names in succession, but only the hissing of static came from the walkie-talkie, without anyone responding to him.

That means, without making any noise, Chen Yang had taken care of all thirty-two hidden sentries outside!

This was inconceivable. How did he do it?

Li Jilin was greatly startled, swallowed hard, and realized he might have underestimated Chen Yang.

A wry smile appeared on his face as he said to Chen Yang, "Mr. Chen, may I ask what brings you to my humble abode this evening?"