Chapter 090: Renewal

Ye Yiqing hurried out of the cadre ward building and saw Chen Yang slowly strolling toward the exit of the hospital. With his carefree demeanor, no one would imagine he possessed miraculous medical techniques.

Moving closer to Chen Yang, Ye Yiqing observed his departing figure, a wonderful gleam appearing in her eyes. Besides gratitude, there seemed to be other emotions present as well.

Catching up with Chen Yang's pace, Ye Yiqing walked alongside him and said, perturbed, "Why did you suddenly leave?"

"As a person who once was awarded the title of 'Outstanding Young Pioneer,' doing good deeds anonymously is my virtue," said Chen Yang, turning his head to look at Ye Yiqing with a sincere expression.

"Are you ever serious?" laughed Ye Yiqing, then continued, "My grandfather has woken up. He asked me to thank you, saying that he personally owes you a favor."