Chapter 097 Shock

Everyone looked at Guan Xiyue and felt that she and her landlord were doomed. A wave of regret washed over them. Guan Xiyue was very capable at her job, but unfortunately, she caught the eye of Wang Dong and incurred the jealousy of Zhou Yi. Now, she was not only going to be fired but might also face imprisonment.

Seeing Yao Yongsheng look her way, Xi Yue frowned deeply, her teeth clenched tightly, and she stepped in front of Chen Yang, shouting at Yao Yongsheng, "Director Yao, all of this is because of me; it has nothing to do with my landlord. If someone has to be arrested, let the police arrest me!"

Although it seemed that Chen Yang had completely messed everything up, Xi Yue still stood up for him without hesitation.

She didn't want Chen Yang to be punished by the law because of her, and besides, the current situation was the result of Chen Yang's attempt to help her. Even if his methods were somewhat extreme, he was not in the wrong.