Chapter 127 Dance Expertise

Chen Yang's movements were as smooth as flowing clouds and water, without any delay. They appeared no different from Liu Zhiling's, yet he managed to portray the General's character with a vivid display of masculine power.

Especially when it came to his resolute and frosty gaze, which indeed added the finishing touch to his performance.

In that moment, everyone even had the illusion that Chen Yang was a Great General, clad in battle armor and courageously slaying enemies on the battlefield.

"He's so impressive, he can actually dance so well."

"Unexpectedly, this little junior isn't just an academic overachiever, but also a dance king."

"Looking at his dance, it seems that he's not much different from Teacher Liu, right?"

The seven girls were all astounded, as Chen Yang's status in their hearts soared like a rocket with incredible speed.