Chapter 152: Rescuing the Damsel in Distress is My Specialty

Seeing Wang Dafang approaching, the crowd glared at him with anger. Still, they stepped aside, not daring to block his path.

"Save me, won't someone please save me?"

The girl struggled and cried out for help, but no one responded to her. Her gaze appeared so desolate and helpless.

She looked at the silent crowd, suddenly feeling the people in the city were so indifferent. Although they were hygienic, well-educated, and knowledgeable...

But too many of them had already lost the most fundamental virtues of the Human Race.

Despair was the only thought in the girl's mind at that moment. She glanced at Wang Dafang's sinister smile, a resolute look flashing in her eyes. If Wang Dafang really assaulted her, she would kill herself.

"Stop it, let her go. I'm telling you, I've already called the police, and they'll be here any minute!"

Just then, suddenly, a voice rang out. Although it tried to sound fierce, it was more sweet than intimidating.