Chapter 154 Medical Expenses

Seeing Chen Yang quote 500,000 yuan, the girl selling bamboo baskets trembled, her face showing a look of embarrassment as she cautiously said to Chen Yang, "My bamboo baskets aren't worth that much money. Asking him to compensate me 200 yuan will be enough."

Ultimately, this girl was down-to-earth. Although Chen Yang was standing up for her, she didn't take it as an opportunity to extort a hefty sum.

Just thinking about it, 500,000 yuan was an extraordinary amount of money for her. Back in the countryside, she could build a house, raise pigs, farm the land, and still have over 300,000 yuan left.

But, she resisted the temptation.

What she didn't know was that this small act made Chen Yang respect her even more.

Chen Yang smiled and said seriously, "This is not the money for Wang Dafang to compensate you for your bamboo baskets. He destroyed so many of your crafts. Apart from the 200 yuan for the damage, the remaining 499,800 yuan is for your mental anguish."