Chapter 171 A String of Bracelets

Last night, three women entered their own rooms, but not one stayed behind, which caused Chen Yang a bit of gloom for a while.

However, he didn't take it to heart and quickly fell asleep.

The next day, he was riding his bike planning to go to school when, reminded by Guan Xiyue, he realized that it was the weekend and there was no need for classes.

After some thought and having nothing better to do, he decided to ride his bike to find Lin Rou.

Although he didn't know what reason he should come up with to visit Lin Rou, wasn't his mission to protect her? Never mind the reason, he thought, just go first and figure it out later.

Upon arriving at Lin Rou's house, Chen Yang knocked on the door with a sense of rightful purpose.

When the door opened, standing inside wasn't Lin Rou, but her mother, Mo Yunsheng.

Chen Yang had previously seen Mo Yunsheng when she was ill and weak, and he had noticed that she was a beauty. Now seeing her again, Mo Yunsheng seemed even more beautiful.