Chapter 175 Never Let Go

Before long, Chen Yang was brought to a dead-end alley piled with unwanted junk, covered in dust, dirty and disheveled.

No one would come to such a place, yet there were numerous patchy bloodstains on the ground.

Seeing this, Chen Yang glanced at the several hoodlums, a trace of coldness flashed through his eyes—it seemed these guys had often dealt with people here.

The leader, a blond young man, stood at the entrance to the alley, blocking off the dead end, with a cigarette in his mouth. Watching Chen Yang leisurely lean his bicycle against the wall, he showed an expression of dissatisfaction on his face, waved his hand, and said to the others, "Do it."

Upon receiving the blond youth's order, two people standing beside Chen Yang grabbed at his arms, trying to control him first to prevent any resistance.

Chen Yang didn't move, allowing the men to seize his arms.

Just as they were about to exert force and twist his arms behind his back, he moved.